Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Guess Who's Back. Back Again. Fuzzy's Back. Tell A Friend!

Happy Hump Day everyone. Hopefully all of you (or at least some of you) well be getting their hump on today, or tonight, which ever fits your schedule.

So, some of you may be wondering where I've been. I mentioned it a few times. The month of February was a total wash. I made a career change, out of necessity, which required two weeks of school training, state testing, and research... lots and lots of research. Well, I'm proud to say I completed the two week course (which I passed) and took my state test (which I also passed). I'm close to my decision who to work for. I hope to make that decision in the next day or two.

January, my first month writing this blog, was awesome. I can never forget the day I wrote the article about paparazzi. Actress Evan Rachel Wood responded to my tweet to her about my article and linked the blog on her tweet to her followers/fan. That day was unreal. That article has the most views for my blog. I also believe I gained a lot of readers because of her. So Ms. Wood, if you do happen to read the blog, I want to once again thank you for that day. And congratulations on your pregnancy!

What's in store for the Daily Dose of the Big F.U. in the month of March? Honestly, I don't know. I miss writing for you. I miss dishing out the big F.U. to those worthy receivers. But time has not been my friend. And I may only get busier when I finally get in with a real estate broker and begin my new career path.

Wow, just thinking about it makes me nervous. Real estate is a huge difference from my previous industry. But it is a challenge I accept. Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone in order to make things happen. And I have other plans for my personal life. Plans that include opening my own production company, writing screen plays, and producing my own movies. Who knows if that dream will ever be a reality. I plan on at least trying. You never know what will happen unless you try. I may fail. but I will always get back up.

That leads me to the blog. I had and still have ambitious plans for this blog. I'll share these plans with you in a  future article. I want to take the blog in a different direction. Don't worry, I'll still dish out F.U.s. And I will still share with you celebrities I am a fan of, and movies and shows I love. I have one such article planned! My hope is to open your mind and expose you to entertainment you may not have been exposed to before. To me, entertainment is a spice of life and helps make each day that much better!

Well, that is all for now. Be on the look out for future articles, coming soon. We are expecting one last blast of winter weather tonight. Possible two to six inches of wet, heavy snow Wednesday night into Thursday morning, and possible power outages. I'll be offline due to the storm. I may get at least one of my planned articles out this weekend, if power cooperates!

Before I go, I would be remiss if I didn't dish out one F.U. I can't help it but I have the urge to once again tell Kim Kardashian FUCK OFF! I am so sick of this talentless hack. I wish she would disappear into the abyss. Go away. Just go away and never come back. And take that jackass loser Kanye with you. We would be better off as a society if the two of you disappeared forever.

So readers, join me in once again giving Kim Kardashian the big F.U.

***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.