Wednesday, February 20, 2013


As I have said in a few previous posts, as well as tweets, I've been taking classes to obtain a state license for my business. Classes just ended. In order to pass the course we had to pass one of two final exams. Well, I passed them both. Barely passing the first one but acing the second. I have set up a date for my state exam. Once I pass the state exam, I'll be licensed. This is a major career change for me. I'm nervous, I admit. But excited at the same time.

I'm studying all day, every day, during this week before my exam, so no new articles. I do apologize for that. But I need to take care of things in my personal life. I'll get back to writing more articles, I promise. I won't leave you!

Until then, message me on Twitter. Or hook up with me on Facebook. I'd love to chat with each and every one of you!

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