So, in just a few short hours, 2013 comes to a close. Good riddance. Too many bad things happened to too many good people I know. Family members got sick and spent several months in the hospital, missing the holidays. Family of friends haven't had the healthiest of years. And too many people I know are still struggling to make it in this economy. A new friend is dealing with family issues as well. 2014 has to be better, right?
So, I do have one final Big F.U. to dish out. The final F.U goes to 2013... Hey, 2013, FUCK YOU!!!!
On a final note, Time hasn't been kind to me this year. I started out with an article close to daily as 2013 began. Yes, I remember, Kim K received the first F.U. The year was highlighted by Evan Rachel Wood reading my article on paparazzi, and retweeting it to her fans. This blog didn't even come close to matching the amount of views for the next two days. Evan Rachel Wood, you rock! Fuck the haters!
But, as 2013 draws to a close, and a new year is upon us, I have decided to take this blog in a new direction. No longer will I dish out a Big F.U. (though, I am sure someone will piss me off to the point where I just need to let them have it). I will, however, do one of those 365 movies in 365 days challenge. That's right. My plan is to watch 365 (or more) movies in 2014. Now, I am not restricting myself to special challenges daily, weekly, or monthly like other challenges. Instead, I am just going to watch 365 movies with no rhyme or reason. Not going to celebrate Oscar week by watching movies which have one an Oscar. I'm not dedicating a week to holiday movies, or movies with a number in the title. Nope. Just simply 365 (or more) movies in 365 days. Yes, movies seen in the theater will count.
So, starting tomorrow night, Fuzzy Urlachter becomes a movie hound!
Happy New Year everyone. Be safe and enjoy!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
No Justice. No Peace.
We the jury in the State of Florida vs. George Zimmerman find the defendant NOT GUILTY. And with those two words, a murderer goes free.
First, I want to say FUCK YOU to anyone who does not think this had anything to do with race. it absolutely did. How do I know? Well, Zimmerman profiled a young black teen wearing a hoodie. Because of this, he right away assumed the kid was doing something wrong. What was he doing wrong? Being black, and out at 7:09 in the evening. And for wearing a hoodie. Plain and simple. This had EVERYTHING to do about race.
And don't give me the bullshit line that Zimmerman was Hispanic. I don't care. Hispanic people cannot racially profile black people? Why, cause both are considered minorities? Only a racist asshole would say something as stupid as there was no racial profiling due to Zimmerman's ethnic background.
I won't focus on the actual events of that night. The truth is, we really don't know exactly what happened. We have one side of the story only, George Zimmerman. And we have to take his side with a grain of salt. Do we really believe he told the truth? I doubt it. He shot someone, was inconsistent with his statements, and lied. He acted like someone who did something wrong, knew it, and made stuff up to not get in trouble. What I will focus on are a few key points the prosecutors failed in making their case, my opinions of that night, and will comment on many of the idiotic and brain dead comments I saw on social media tonight. And at the end of this article, I will dish out a Big F.U. In fact, I may be dishing out several.
Ok, so, where did the prosecution fail? Everywhere. Why did they not bring out the fact that George Zimmerman's head was NOT being bashed against concrete, but instead, the fight took place on the grass? Common sense would tell ANYONE that if someone's head was bashed against concrete 25 times, as George Zimmerman claimed, then he would have already been dead, or at a minimum unconscious and with much worse brusing that a little cut on the back of his head. I mean seriously folks, the head contains your brain. The skull protects your brain. People have had their skulls broken by less. Twenty-five bashes against concrete. And only a little cut. No broken skull. No brain damage. Never lost consciousness. And yet, the prosecution never once thought this was something to present to the jury?
Zimmerman claimed he short Trayvon in self defense. Why didn't the prosecution turn that around on him and claim Trayvon was the one who was actually acting in self defense? I mean, think about it. If you were 17, a kid in reality, and someone was following you, wouldn't you be scared? Wouldn't you be afraid the person following you was looking to do some sort of hard to you? Well, if, and let stress IF, Trayvon did approach Zimmerman, wouldn't he be acting in self defense? YES. The prosecution should have made this point over and over.
Where else did the prosecution fail? Well, actually, their entire case was a failure. As I watched recaps of the proceedings I found myself sitting in amazement. The prosecution did a TERRIBLE job. I wondered to myself, "These people are being paid for this?" If I were the tax payers of Sanford (state of Florida) I would be demanding my money back. Poor excuse of a prosecution. Very poor. I truly felt as if they were just going through the motions, as if they did NOT want to be there. Remember, they were not going to charge Zimmerman at all. Not until the protests came. Not until this became national news. Not until they looked like idiots for not bringing this sooner. Yes, I truly believe they did NO want to try this case. And purposely sabatoged any chance of getting a conviction. The closing arguments were the straw that broke the camel's back. Not once did they ever act as if they were 100% sure of their case. No successful prosecutor should EVER act that way. EVER.
I think this last paragraph really states it all. I can go on and on about how bad the prosecution was, but I'd be writing for days. Plus, I am sure many of you were following the trial, either on TV or in the newspapers, or maybe online. I don't want to bore you any more than you may already be with the trial.
So, what exactly is my opinion of the whole situation? George Zimmerman got away with murder. Plain and simple. However, this is our justice system, for better or worse. The system is broke. The system does not work no matter what anyone says. It is what it is. In the end, no matter what you think of the verdict, truth is, no one is a winner. A young man is dead. A family is destroyed. And the killer will forever have to live with what he did, despite not going to jail. Lives were lost and ruined that night in February, 2012. No one comes out a winner.
Now, let me address some of the comments I have been reading online. Someone actually said you have the right to follow anyone you want, and when that person you are following approaches you, you can kill the one you were following in self defense. Um, really? REALLY? Walk down a street, a dark alley, and tell me you wouldn't be shit scared if someone was following you. Of course you would be.
Now, say you stop and ask the person following you, "What's your problem?" Does that give that person the right to shoot you just because you approached them? Um. NO. So, you are being followed, in a dark alley by a shady figure. You are scared. You think something bad may happen to you. You fear for your life. Isn't this what SELF DEFENSE is based on? YES. How can the person stalking you (which is against the law by the way) wind up with the right to defend themselves by killing you (in fear of their life) when they were the one perpetrating the act? Baffles my mind the way people think. I fear for this country. I really do. Americans are truly assholes.
I have seen other comments regarding this not being a race issue. I addressed this in the beginning. Yes, this is a race issue. Oh, and no, this has nothing to do with liberals or conservatives. Though, I must say, conservatives are celebrating the jury's decision while liberals are rightfully pointing out the injustice. I guess the saying is true, just because you are a conservative does not make you a racist, but if you are a racist you are probably a conservative (Republican). But back to the race issue. Yes, again, this is a race issue. A young black teen, wearing a hoodie, was profiled. Would Zimmerman have followed a white teenager? I would say no. He profiled Trayvon because of the color of his skin and clothes he was wearing. In this wannabe cop's mind, Trayvon was guilty. Zimmerman was Trayvon's judge, jury and executioner. Zimmerman had his day in court. Trayvon was not given his day to prove his innocence.
And people, can we stop saying Zimmerman is innocent? Not guilty does not mean INNOCENT. It means, NOT GUILTY. It means the prosecution did not prove their cause beyond a reasonable doubt (and facts are, they didn't). It does not mean Zimmerman is an innocent man.
Ok, so who gets the big F.U.'s? Well, there are several. Oh and no, I will not post their pictures.
Ann Coulter: GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU UGLY SKANK!!!! She actually had the nerve to tweet HALLELUJAH. Really? I hope you die you miserable bitch. The day you die, I will take to the streets and scream HALLELUJAH. I just hope you die by the bullet from a gun, shot by a white dude. Or black dude. Either way. I'd be in my glory.
Geraldo Rivera: Jackass had his nose broken by Neo-Nazis. Well, too bad they didn't do more than break his nose. He actually believed, because of Trayvon's clothes, the boy was guilty and Zimmerman had a right to kill him. He then said the women on the jury, after seeing Trayvon, would have shot and killed him too. Really Geraldo? I used to respect you. But you know what? You belong on Fox News with the rest of the crazies and ignorant assholes. You are as brain dead as they are. Geraldo, FUCK YOU!
The jury: Are you women that moronic? Are you that dumb? I just hope none of your children are ever slain in the same fashion as Trayvon Martin. If if they ever are, God forbid, I hope their killer walks. Gets off, just like you let this murdering scum bag walk. Fuck you!
The prosecution: This was the best you could do? And then have the balls to defend your case? Really? I'm not a lawyer, and I could have gotten at least manslaughter on this douche bag. You should be fired. You should never be allowed to prosecute another case. You are a disgrace to the legal profession.
The citizens in the state of Florida: Are you all mental? Has the sun fried your brains? First Casey Anthony, now George Zimmerman? I thought Californians were dumb when it came time for trials, but you now take that mantel. You are a disgrace to the U.S. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
And finally George Zimmerman: You murdering bastard. You wanna be cop asshole. You fit in perfectly with the rest of the racist cops in Florida. I hope you get what is coming to you. And you will. Karma is a bitch. You may be a free man tonight, but are you really free? You will be living with your demons until the day you die you piece of trash. You will suffer. And I hope you suffer horribly.
Well, there we go. I could have written more, but honestly, I'm tired. Tired of this system of justice where the guilty are set free, the innocent are executed, and minor offenders serve more time in prison than murders or child molesters do. The system is broke. The system needs to be fixed.
First, I want to say FUCK YOU to anyone who does not think this had anything to do with race. it absolutely did. How do I know? Well, Zimmerman profiled a young black teen wearing a hoodie. Because of this, he right away assumed the kid was doing something wrong. What was he doing wrong? Being black, and out at 7:09 in the evening. And for wearing a hoodie. Plain and simple. This had EVERYTHING to do about race.
And don't give me the bullshit line that Zimmerman was Hispanic. I don't care. Hispanic people cannot racially profile black people? Why, cause both are considered minorities? Only a racist asshole would say something as stupid as there was no racial profiling due to Zimmerman's ethnic background.
I won't focus on the actual events of that night. The truth is, we really don't know exactly what happened. We have one side of the story only, George Zimmerman. And we have to take his side with a grain of salt. Do we really believe he told the truth? I doubt it. He shot someone, was inconsistent with his statements, and lied. He acted like someone who did something wrong, knew it, and made stuff up to not get in trouble. What I will focus on are a few key points the prosecutors failed in making their case, my opinions of that night, and will comment on many of the idiotic and brain dead comments I saw on social media tonight. And at the end of this article, I will dish out a Big F.U. In fact, I may be dishing out several.
Ok, so, where did the prosecution fail? Everywhere. Why did they not bring out the fact that George Zimmerman's head was NOT being bashed against concrete, but instead, the fight took place on the grass? Common sense would tell ANYONE that if someone's head was bashed against concrete 25 times, as George Zimmerman claimed, then he would have already been dead, or at a minimum unconscious and with much worse brusing that a little cut on the back of his head. I mean seriously folks, the head contains your brain. The skull protects your brain. People have had their skulls broken by less. Twenty-five bashes against concrete. And only a little cut. No broken skull. No brain damage. Never lost consciousness. And yet, the prosecution never once thought this was something to present to the jury?
Zimmerman claimed he short Trayvon in self defense. Why didn't the prosecution turn that around on him and claim Trayvon was the one who was actually acting in self defense? I mean, think about it. If you were 17, a kid in reality, and someone was following you, wouldn't you be scared? Wouldn't you be afraid the person following you was looking to do some sort of hard to you? Well, if, and let stress IF, Trayvon did approach Zimmerman, wouldn't he be acting in self defense? YES. The prosecution should have made this point over and over.
Where else did the prosecution fail? Well, actually, their entire case was a failure. As I watched recaps of the proceedings I found myself sitting in amazement. The prosecution did a TERRIBLE job. I wondered to myself, "These people are being paid for this?" If I were the tax payers of Sanford (state of Florida) I would be demanding my money back. Poor excuse of a prosecution. Very poor. I truly felt as if they were just going through the motions, as if they did NOT want to be there. Remember, they were not going to charge Zimmerman at all. Not until the protests came. Not until this became national news. Not until they looked like idiots for not bringing this sooner. Yes, I truly believe they did NO want to try this case. And purposely sabatoged any chance of getting a conviction. The closing arguments were the straw that broke the camel's back. Not once did they ever act as if they were 100% sure of their case. No successful prosecutor should EVER act that way. EVER.
I think this last paragraph really states it all. I can go on and on about how bad the prosecution was, but I'd be writing for days. Plus, I am sure many of you were following the trial, either on TV or in the newspapers, or maybe online. I don't want to bore you any more than you may already be with the trial.
So, what exactly is my opinion of the whole situation? George Zimmerman got away with murder. Plain and simple. However, this is our justice system, for better or worse. The system is broke. The system does not work no matter what anyone says. It is what it is. In the end, no matter what you think of the verdict, truth is, no one is a winner. A young man is dead. A family is destroyed. And the killer will forever have to live with what he did, despite not going to jail. Lives were lost and ruined that night in February, 2012. No one comes out a winner.
Now, let me address some of the comments I have been reading online. Someone actually said you have the right to follow anyone you want, and when that person you are following approaches you, you can kill the one you were following in self defense. Um, really? REALLY? Walk down a street, a dark alley, and tell me you wouldn't be shit scared if someone was following you. Of course you would be.
Now, say you stop and ask the person following you, "What's your problem?" Does that give that person the right to shoot you just because you approached them? Um. NO. So, you are being followed, in a dark alley by a shady figure. You are scared. You think something bad may happen to you. You fear for your life. Isn't this what SELF DEFENSE is based on? YES. How can the person stalking you (which is against the law by the way) wind up with the right to defend themselves by killing you (in fear of their life) when they were the one perpetrating the act? Baffles my mind the way people think. I fear for this country. I really do. Americans are truly assholes.
I have seen other comments regarding this not being a race issue. I addressed this in the beginning. Yes, this is a race issue. Oh, and no, this has nothing to do with liberals or conservatives. Though, I must say, conservatives are celebrating the jury's decision while liberals are rightfully pointing out the injustice. I guess the saying is true, just because you are a conservative does not make you a racist, but if you are a racist you are probably a conservative (Republican). But back to the race issue. Yes, again, this is a race issue. A young black teen, wearing a hoodie, was profiled. Would Zimmerman have followed a white teenager? I would say no. He profiled Trayvon because of the color of his skin and clothes he was wearing. In this wannabe cop's mind, Trayvon was guilty. Zimmerman was Trayvon's judge, jury and executioner. Zimmerman had his day in court. Trayvon was not given his day to prove his innocence.
And people, can we stop saying Zimmerman is innocent? Not guilty does not mean INNOCENT. It means, NOT GUILTY. It means the prosecution did not prove their cause beyond a reasonable doubt (and facts are, they didn't). It does not mean Zimmerman is an innocent man.
Ok, so who gets the big F.U.'s? Well, there are several. Oh and no, I will not post their pictures.
Ann Coulter: GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU UGLY SKANK!!!! She actually had the nerve to tweet HALLELUJAH. Really? I hope you die you miserable bitch. The day you die, I will take to the streets and scream HALLELUJAH. I just hope you die by the bullet from a gun, shot by a white dude. Or black dude. Either way. I'd be in my glory.
Geraldo Rivera: Jackass had his nose broken by Neo-Nazis. Well, too bad they didn't do more than break his nose. He actually believed, because of Trayvon's clothes, the boy was guilty and Zimmerman had a right to kill him. He then said the women on the jury, after seeing Trayvon, would have shot and killed him too. Really Geraldo? I used to respect you. But you know what? You belong on Fox News with the rest of the crazies and ignorant assholes. You are as brain dead as they are. Geraldo, FUCK YOU!
The jury: Are you women that moronic? Are you that dumb? I just hope none of your children are ever slain in the same fashion as Trayvon Martin. If if they ever are, God forbid, I hope their killer walks. Gets off, just like you let this murdering scum bag walk. Fuck you!
The prosecution: This was the best you could do? And then have the balls to defend your case? Really? I'm not a lawyer, and I could have gotten at least manslaughter on this douche bag. You should be fired. You should never be allowed to prosecute another case. You are a disgrace to the legal profession.
The citizens in the state of Florida: Are you all mental? Has the sun fried your brains? First Casey Anthony, now George Zimmerman? I thought Californians were dumb when it came time for trials, but you now take that mantel. You are a disgrace to the U.S. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
And finally George Zimmerman: You murdering bastard. You wanna be cop asshole. You fit in perfectly with the rest of the racist cops in Florida. I hope you get what is coming to you. And you will. Karma is a bitch. You may be a free man tonight, but are you really free? You will be living with your demons until the day you die you piece of trash. You will suffer. And I hope you suffer horribly.
Well, there we go. I could have written more, but honestly, I'm tired. Tired of this system of justice where the guilty are set free, the innocent are executed, and minor offenders serve more time in prison than murders or child molesters do. The system is broke. The system needs to be fixed.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Guess Who's Back. Back Again. Fuzzy's Back. Tell A Friend!
Happy Hump Day everyone. Hopefully all of you (or at least some of you) well be getting their hump on today, or tonight, which ever fits your schedule.
So, some of you may be wondering where I've been. I mentioned it a few times. The month of February was a total wash. I made a career change, out of necessity, which required two weeks of school training, state testing, and research... lots and lots of research. Well, I'm proud to say I completed the two week course (which I passed) and took my state test (which I also passed). I'm close to my decision who to work for. I hope to make that decision in the next day or two.
January, my first month writing this blog, was awesome. I can never forget the day I wrote the article about paparazzi. Actress Evan Rachel Wood responded to my tweet to her about my article and linked the blog on her tweet to her followers/fan. That day was unreal. That article has the most views for my blog. I also believe I gained a lot of readers because of her. So Ms. Wood, if you do happen to read the blog, I want to once again thank you for that day. And congratulations on your pregnancy!
What's in store for the Daily Dose of the Big F.U. in the month of March? Honestly, I don't know. I miss writing for you. I miss dishing out the big F.U. to those worthy receivers. But time has not been my friend. And I may only get busier when I finally get in with a real estate broker and begin my new career path.
Wow, just thinking about it makes me nervous. Real estate is a huge difference from my previous industry. But it is a challenge I accept. Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone in order to make things happen. And I have other plans for my personal life. Plans that include opening my own production company, writing screen plays, and producing my own movies. Who knows if that dream will ever be a reality. I plan on at least trying. You never know what will happen unless you try. I may fail. but I will always get back up.
That leads me to the blog. I had and still have ambitious plans for this blog. I'll share these plans with you in a future article. I want to take the blog in a different direction. Don't worry, I'll still dish out F.U.s. And I will still share with you celebrities I am a fan of, and movies and shows I love. I have one such article planned! My hope is to open your mind and expose you to entertainment you may not have been exposed to before. To me, entertainment is a spice of life and helps make each day that much better!
Well, that is all for now. Be on the look out for future articles, coming soon. We are expecting one last blast of winter weather tonight. Possible two to six inches of wet, heavy snow Wednesday night into Thursday morning, and possible power outages. I'll be offline due to the storm. I may get at least one of my planned articles out this weekend, if power cooperates!
Before I go, I would be remiss if I didn't dish out one F.U. I can't help it but I have the urge to once again tell Kim Kardashian FUCK OFF! I am so sick of this talentless hack. I wish she would disappear into the abyss. Go away. Just go away and never come back. And take that jackass loser Kanye with you. We would be better off as a society if the two of you disappeared forever.
So readers, join me in once again giving Kim Kardashian the big F.U.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
So, some of you may be wondering where I've been. I mentioned it a few times. The month of February was a total wash. I made a career change, out of necessity, which required two weeks of school training, state testing, and research... lots and lots of research. Well, I'm proud to say I completed the two week course (which I passed) and took my state test (which I also passed). I'm close to my decision who to work for. I hope to make that decision in the next day or two.
January, my first month writing this blog, was awesome. I can never forget the day I wrote the article about paparazzi. Actress Evan Rachel Wood responded to my tweet to her about my article and linked the blog on her tweet to her followers/fan. That day was unreal. That article has the most views for my blog. I also believe I gained a lot of readers because of her. So Ms. Wood, if you do happen to read the blog, I want to once again thank you for that day. And congratulations on your pregnancy!
What's in store for the Daily Dose of the Big F.U. in the month of March? Honestly, I don't know. I miss writing for you. I miss dishing out the big F.U. to those worthy receivers. But time has not been my friend. And I may only get busier when I finally get in with a real estate broker and begin my new career path.
Wow, just thinking about it makes me nervous. Real estate is a huge difference from my previous industry. But it is a challenge I accept. Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone in order to make things happen. And I have other plans for my personal life. Plans that include opening my own production company, writing screen plays, and producing my own movies. Who knows if that dream will ever be a reality. I plan on at least trying. You never know what will happen unless you try. I may fail. but I will always get back up.
That leads me to the blog. I had and still have ambitious plans for this blog. I'll share these plans with you in a future article. I want to take the blog in a different direction. Don't worry, I'll still dish out F.U.s. And I will still share with you celebrities I am a fan of, and movies and shows I love. I have one such article planned! My hope is to open your mind and expose you to entertainment you may not have been exposed to before. To me, entertainment is a spice of life and helps make each day that much better!
Well, that is all for now. Be on the look out for future articles, coming soon. We are expecting one last blast of winter weather tonight. Possible two to six inches of wet, heavy snow Wednesday night into Thursday morning, and possible power outages. I'll be offline due to the storm. I may get at least one of my planned articles out this weekend, if power cooperates!
Before I go, I would be remiss if I didn't dish out one F.U. I can't help it but I have the urge to once again tell Kim Kardashian FUCK OFF! I am so sick of this talentless hack. I wish she would disappear into the abyss. Go away. Just go away and never come back. And take that jackass loser Kanye with you. We would be better off as a society if the two of you disappeared forever.
So readers, join me in once again giving Kim Kardashian the big F.U.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
As I have said in a few previous posts, as well as tweets, I've been taking classes to obtain a state license for my business. Classes just ended. In order to pass the course we had to pass one of two final exams. Well, I passed them both. Barely passing the first one but acing the second. I have set up a date for my state exam. Once I pass the state exam, I'll be licensed. This is a major career change for me. I'm nervous, I admit. But excited at the same time.
I'm studying all day, every day, during this week before my exam, so no new articles. I do apologize for that. But I need to take care of things in my personal life. I'll get back to writing more articles, I promise. I won't leave you!
Until then, message me on Twitter. Or hook up with me on Facebook. I'd love to chat with each and every one of you!
I'm studying all day, every day, during this week before my exam, so no new articles. I do apologize for that. But I need to take care of things in my personal life. I'll get back to writing more articles, I promise. I won't leave you!
Until then, message me on Twitter. Or hook up with me on Facebook. I'd love to chat with each and every one of you!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Better Late Than Never, Right?
I know, I'm late. The day is almost over. But, I have an excuse. A good one. Busy! Busy! Busy! But, that doesn't mean I forgot about you. How can I? You are all great!
I want to send out a happy Valentine's Day to all the lovely ladies who read Daily Dose of the Big F.U. even though I haven't been posting daily. I have some good news on the horizon, personal good news. I'll probably be limited for the next week or so as I prepare for a huge state exam.
So, ladies, here you go, some roses for all of you...
Opps wrong roses!!!! Here you go, the real roses for you lovelies!
Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
I want to send out a happy Valentine's Day to all the lovely ladies who read Daily Dose of the Big F.U. even though I haven't been posting daily. I have some good news on the horizon, personal good news. I'll probably be limited for the next week or so as I prepare for a huge state exam.
So, ladies, here you go, some roses for all of you...
Opps wrong roses!!!! Here you go, the real roses for you lovelies!
Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Fox News or A Joke?
Sorry it's been a while since I posted. Class is kicking my ass. But, it is almost over. As long as I pass this class I can take my state exam. I'll know Friday of this week. If I pass, I'm scheduling my state exam right away. I want to get licensed as fast as I can. So fear not Fuzzy Fans, I'm still here. And now, time for some F.U.!
As some of you probably guessed, I am not a Fox News fan. I even have a problem calling them news. They are a propaganda machine for the right wing, basis no news story on fact, and if they do try, they fail. They are a crumbling news network. The last Presidential election proved just how unreliable this so-called network is. And people wonder why Fox News viewers are the most misinformed?
Well, Fox News did it again. Trying to promote "traditional marriage" Fox News ran a picture of a bride and groom kissing after sharing their vows. But, there was only one problem. The couple was lesbian. That's right. Two women getting married. And Fox News ran the picture. And we wonder why Fox News is at record lows in ratings? Well, maybe cause they are a bunch of inbred twits.
Here is the picture:
Picture is courtesy of Being Liberal (Facebook page).
So, people, laugh at those brain dead idiots over there at Fox News. Yet another misstep for this poor excuse of a news network.
Oh and Rupert Murdoch and the rest of the Fox News morons, FUCK YOU!
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
This Is A Call To All Members of Fuzz Nation
I'm sure you have noticed I haven't posted as much as I did when I first started this blog. That is because I've been a tad busy of late with school. My nights aren't free as they once were, studying and reviewing the material covered in class. Good thing is, this class is only two weeks long. Bad thing is, there is a lot of cramming I need to do so I can pass my state test and become a licensed sales rep. More about that as time passes by.
However, I do feel as if I am letting my readers down. And disappointment is NOT what I am about. I want to bring you enjoyment. I want to bring you entertainment. I want to put a smile on your face. I want to be the one who makes you realize it is okay to tell one person, or a group of people to fuck off (though I don't recommend doing it in person... could lead to permanent injury LOL). I'll get articles out when I can, once I have something prepared, ready for me to shoot off at the hip, or mouth, or how ever that saying goes.
Which brings me to this post. I do want things to be interactive. I don't feel I've succeeded in that aspect. One, maybe two articles had a reply to it. But that has been it. I was hoping people would comment either here on the blog or on Facebook, even on Twitter. We have had some interactivity, but not much.
Something else I wanted to do was have guest authors. I know there are people you want to give the finger to on a daily basis. Heck, I see Facebook posts!!!! Well, instead of putting it on Facebook, how about venting here? Talk to me. Tell me who you want to rage against. I'll work with you in getting your article posted. Especially now since I will be tied up (no, not in the good way: to a bed with a hot young blond looking to make me her boy toy for a night, or two, or three) with school, studying, and test preparations.
What do you say readers? Want to write an article where you flip someone off? Then please email me at or send me a message on Facebook: or on Twitter: @FuzzyUrlachter. I want to hear from you.
However, I do feel as if I am letting my readers down. And disappointment is NOT what I am about. I want to bring you enjoyment. I want to bring you entertainment. I want to put a smile on your face. I want to be the one who makes you realize it is okay to tell one person, or a group of people to fuck off (though I don't recommend doing it in person... could lead to permanent injury LOL). I'll get articles out when I can, once I have something prepared, ready for me to shoot off at the hip, or mouth, or how ever that saying goes.
Which brings me to this post. I do want things to be interactive. I don't feel I've succeeded in that aspect. One, maybe two articles had a reply to it. But that has been it. I was hoping people would comment either here on the blog or on Facebook, even on Twitter. We have had some interactivity, but not much.
Something else I wanted to do was have guest authors. I know there are people you want to give the finger to on a daily basis. Heck, I see Facebook posts!!!! Well, instead of putting it on Facebook, how about venting here? Talk to me. Tell me who you want to rage against. I'll work with you in getting your article posted. Especially now since I will be tied up (no, not in the good way: to a bed with a hot young blond looking to make me her boy toy for a night, or two, or three) with school, studying, and test preparations.
What do you say readers? Want to write an article where you flip someone off? Then please email me at or send me a message on Facebook: or on Twitter: @FuzzyUrlachter. I want to hear from you.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Please... SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!
We are in the year 2013. We live in America. We live in a country where all men (and women) are created equal. Unless you are a Republican. Then the only people created equal are white men. Minorities, homosexuals, and women you aren't invited to the party, so don't bother showing up. That notion was pretty evident during the last election cycle. White Republican males couldn't keep their feet out of their mouths any time the talk centered around women's rights, rape, and abortion. Ever since Barack Obama became President four years ago, white males (Republican white males) have been in a tizzy. A black man is in the White House. The world was going to end. Well guess what scumbags? The world is still here.
And why are Republicans so against homosexual rights? What are they afraid of? Are they afraid we will find out half of the God fearing, Bible humping, good Christian Republican males are actually.... GAY? I mean, how many married Republican males in Congress have had flings with their male staffers? Or solicited sex in men's bathrooms? Google it. There have been plenty. And why are they so worried about the definition of marriage? They keep harping on marriage being between one man and one woman. They claim homosexual marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. Um, aren't heterosexual couples doing a good enough job of that? Look at the sham marriages of Britney Spears and Kim Kardashian. Kim's lasted what, 72 days? Britney's first marriage, to Jason Allen Alexander lasted all of 55 hours. Then she married Kevin Federline in 2004, only to divorce him in 2007. Here is another one for ya. David Vitter, Louisiana Republican. Dropped out of the Governor race because.... he had a relationship with a prostitute WHILE MARRIED! And guess where he stands on same sex marriage? He wants a Constitutional amendment banning same sex couples from legally getting married. So, I guess it is okay to fuck a hooker behind your wife's back. I guess cheating is okay as long as you are a straight male. Right?
What I find truly funny is, Republicans proclaim to be of deep Christian faith. But then, they hate anyone who isn't white or rich. Figure that out. Those are some good Christian morals.
Which brings me to the person who wins today's Big F.U. (and the first one I am dishing out in a few days). The Boy Scouts of America are considering lifting the strict ban on gay membership. Welcome to 2013 Boy Scouts of America! But of course, some sexist, racist, inbred moron had to open his big fat mouth and spouted off about this possible change.
Rick Perry, the moronic governor of Texas (gee, why can't Texans elect governors who are smart?) has now come out and denounced the Boy Scouts of America's plan to revisit the ban. He claims that the Boy Scouts are caving to popular culture. Popular Culture? Really Rick? Is that the best you could do? You are a hater, a bigot, and nothing more. I guess we should have expected something as asinine as this coming from the man who owns a hunting ground called "Niggerhead." Want to take us back to 1950 Rick?
Texans, please, do us a favor and get yourself educated. You keep voting for these bigots. Makes you all look bad. And Texan politicians stay in your state and stop trying to come on to the national scene, especially President. Nothing good has come out of Texas (this includes Jessica Simpson, Dallas Cowboys, Texas Rangers, and the Bushes). Stay home. Leave the rest of us who want to see this country PROGRESS, not REGRESS alone. And if you really want to keep talking about succession, I'll do you one better. I'd vote for selling Texan back to Mexico and make you all Mexicans. You would all lose your American citizenship. We'd then build an electrified fence around the border and keep it protected with our military. You try to cross, we'd shoot your ass. How do you like that now Texans? Sounds good to you still? I know it sounds good to me.
So, readers, join me in giving Rick Perry the Big (I'm just going to say it cause he deserves it) FUCK YOU!
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
And why are Republicans so against homosexual rights? What are they afraid of? Are they afraid we will find out half of the God fearing, Bible humping, good Christian Republican males are actually.... GAY? I mean, how many married Republican males in Congress have had flings with their male staffers? Or solicited sex in men's bathrooms? Google it. There have been plenty. And why are they so worried about the definition of marriage? They keep harping on marriage being between one man and one woman. They claim homosexual marriage would ruin the sanctity of marriage. Um, aren't heterosexual couples doing a good enough job of that? Look at the sham marriages of Britney Spears and Kim Kardashian. Kim's lasted what, 72 days? Britney's first marriage, to Jason Allen Alexander lasted all of 55 hours. Then she married Kevin Federline in 2004, only to divorce him in 2007. Here is another one for ya. David Vitter, Louisiana Republican. Dropped out of the Governor race because.... he had a relationship with a prostitute WHILE MARRIED! And guess where he stands on same sex marriage? He wants a Constitutional amendment banning same sex couples from legally getting married. So, I guess it is okay to fuck a hooker behind your wife's back. I guess cheating is okay as long as you are a straight male. Right?
What I find truly funny is, Republicans proclaim to be of deep Christian faith. But then, they hate anyone who isn't white or rich. Figure that out. Those are some good Christian morals.
Which brings me to the person who wins today's Big F.U. (and the first one I am dishing out in a few days). The Boy Scouts of America are considering lifting the strict ban on gay membership. Welcome to 2013 Boy Scouts of America! But of course, some sexist, racist, inbred moron had to open his big fat mouth and spouted off about this possible change.
Rick Perry, the moronic governor of Texas (gee, why can't Texans elect governors who are smart?) has now come out and denounced the Boy Scouts of America's plan to revisit the ban. He claims that the Boy Scouts are caving to popular culture. Popular Culture? Really Rick? Is that the best you could do? You are a hater, a bigot, and nothing more. I guess we should have expected something as asinine as this coming from the man who owns a hunting ground called "Niggerhead." Want to take us back to 1950 Rick?
Texans, please, do us a favor and get yourself educated. You keep voting for these bigots. Makes you all look bad. And Texan politicians stay in your state and stop trying to come on to the national scene, especially President. Nothing good has come out of Texas (this includes Jessica Simpson, Dallas Cowboys, Texas Rangers, and the Bushes). Stay home. Leave the rest of us who want to see this country PROGRESS, not REGRESS alone. And if you really want to keep talking about succession, I'll do you one better. I'd vote for selling Texan back to Mexico and make you all Mexicans. You would all lose your American citizenship. We'd then build an electrified fence around the border and keep it protected with our military. You try to cross, we'd shoot your ass. How do you like that now Texans? Sounds good to you still? I know it sounds good to me.
So, readers, join me in giving Rick Perry the Big (I'm just going to say it cause he deserves it) FUCK YOU!
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
House of Cards Review
Took me one and a half days to get through 13 episodes (hey, Fuzzy needs his sleep). But, I did not want to stop watching. Netflix has a winner on its hands with their original series "House of Cards".
"House of Cards" delves deep into the political underworld of the United States government. Back room deals, behind closed doors manipulation. Destroying political careers of your opponents. Using the media (especially unaware and desperate for success journalists). All in the name of power. Lies. Betrayal. Marital infidelity. This is Washington DC.
Kevin Spacey does an outstanding job as Congressman Francis Underwood. He brings this southern Democrat to life. Makes you feel as though Underwood could be a Congressman in reality. Underwood, seeks revenge for not being appointed Secretary of State and unleashes a plan that would bring down several politicians, all while trying to work toward his ultimate goal: POWER. Spacey 's acting ability is above and beyond many other Hollywood stars today. Perfect casting for this character.
I admit. I am a fan of Kate Mara. I've enjoyed her work, especially in "Happythankyoumoreplease". However, her talents come to the forefront in House of Cards. Ms. Mara plays a hungry journalist, Zoe Barnes. Her goal: become a top journalist at Washington Herald, no matter what price she has to pay. She befriends Congressman Underwood, who leaks her information as to what is going on on Capitol Hill. Her desire eventually becomes her downfall. She realizes she was used by Underwood, not just for helping him carry out his plan (though she doesn't seem to know that is what she is doing) as well as for sex. She becomes humble again after she moves on to a web blog, Slug Line.
Corey Stoll has to be given equal mention here. His character, Congressman Peter Russo is truly the tragic character of the series. He is a womanizer, drug user, and alcohol abuser whose past includes soliciting prostitutes. He is a divorced father of two who winds up falling in love with his secretary. Little does Russo know, he is just a pawn in Underwood's quest for power. He is used and abused more than Zoe Barnes, and the outcome is anything but happy for Peter.
Robin Wright's portrayal of Claire Underwood, Francis' wife, is brilliant. She plays the loving, caring wife to perfection. However, when you watch the series, you'll wonder if these two really do love each other. They seem to have an open marriage, with an understanding that each is allowed to sleep with others. And, at the same time, they claim they love each other.
Netflix has created another wonderful drama series. After the finale, I was craving more. Still am. And yet, I am also satisfied with the ending. Underwood's story concludes nicely, but more could be told. If Netflix does not come up with a second season, then fine. As I said, Underwood's story ended. But, there are some loose ends and possible cliff hangers that can be explored in a second season. Here's hoping "House of Cards" is a success, and Netflix orders a second season.
My recommendation: if you have a Netflix streaming account, watch "House of Cards" especially if you are interested in politics. If you do not have a Netflix streaming account, sign up. "House of Cards" is worth the registration.
"House of Cards" delves deep into the political underworld of the United States government. Back room deals, behind closed doors manipulation. Destroying political careers of your opponents. Using the media (especially unaware and desperate for success journalists). All in the name of power. Lies. Betrayal. Marital infidelity. This is Washington DC.
Kevin Spacey does an outstanding job as Congressman Francis Underwood. He brings this southern Democrat to life. Makes you feel as though Underwood could be a Congressman in reality. Underwood, seeks revenge for not being appointed Secretary of State and unleashes a plan that would bring down several politicians, all while trying to work toward his ultimate goal: POWER. Spacey 's acting ability is above and beyond many other Hollywood stars today. Perfect casting for this character.
I admit. I am a fan of Kate Mara. I've enjoyed her work, especially in "Happythankyoumoreplease". However, her talents come to the forefront in House of Cards. Ms. Mara plays a hungry journalist, Zoe Barnes. Her goal: become a top journalist at Washington Herald, no matter what price she has to pay. She befriends Congressman Underwood, who leaks her information as to what is going on on Capitol Hill. Her desire eventually becomes her downfall. She realizes she was used by Underwood, not just for helping him carry out his plan (though she doesn't seem to know that is what she is doing) as well as for sex. She becomes humble again after she moves on to a web blog, Slug Line.
Corey Stoll has to be given equal mention here. His character, Congressman Peter Russo is truly the tragic character of the series. He is a womanizer, drug user, and alcohol abuser whose past includes soliciting prostitutes. He is a divorced father of two who winds up falling in love with his secretary. Little does Russo know, he is just a pawn in Underwood's quest for power. He is used and abused more than Zoe Barnes, and the outcome is anything but happy for Peter.
Robin Wright's portrayal of Claire Underwood, Francis' wife, is brilliant. She plays the loving, caring wife to perfection. However, when you watch the series, you'll wonder if these two really do love each other. They seem to have an open marriage, with an understanding that each is allowed to sleep with others. And, at the same time, they claim they love each other.
Netflix has created another wonderful drama series. After the finale, I was craving more. Still am. And yet, I am also satisfied with the ending. Underwood's story concludes nicely, but more could be told. If Netflix does not come up with a second season, then fine. As I said, Underwood's story ended. But, there are some loose ends and possible cliff hangers that can be explored in a second season. Here's hoping "House of Cards" is a success, and Netflix orders a second season.
My recommendation: if you have a Netflix streaming account, watch "House of Cards" especially if you are interested in politics. If you do not have a Netflix streaming account, sign up. "House of Cards" is worth the registration.
Friday, February 1, 2013
It's Friday, and I'm In Love...
What? Oh no, Fuzzy hasn't found love. Well, maybe he has. A new Netflix original program called "House of Cards" starring Kevin Spacey. I'm only a few episodes into the 13 episode "season" but my God is it good. Has my complete attention. Kevin Spacey is an acting genius.
I'll provide a full review once I finish the entire season. I don't want to break the reviews us show by show. I'm too into the show, riveted by the story line, the acting, the drama. And Kate Mara... Wow, what a job she does in the show. Excellent!
Here is the cast:
Kevin Spacey - Representative Francis Underwood, Democrat from South Carolina. Francis is Majority Whip. After being passed up for the position of Secretary of State after being promised the nomination, he hatches a plan to seek revenge on the newly elected President
Robin Wright - Claire Underwood, Francis' wife
Kate Mara - Zoe Barnes, a reporter for the Washington Herald. She is tired of being a "metro" journalist, and seeks more of a top reporting role. She befriends Francis Underwood and breaks insider government information
Corey Stoll - Representative Peter Russo. He is a Democrat from Pennsylvania, who is known in the "circle" as a womanizer. He is engaged in an office romance with his secretary even though he continues to cavort with prostitutes while drinking and doing drugs.
Kristen Connolly - Christina Gallagher. Peter Russo's secretary and partner in their office affair.
Sakina Jaffrey - Linda Vasquez. Chief of Staff to the newly elected President.
Constance Zimmer - Janine Skorsky. Another reporter for Washington Herald.
Sandrine Holt - Gillian Cole. Leads a grass-roots organization which provides clean water to third-world countries.
Michael Gill - President Garrett Walker
Jayne Atkinson - Senator Catherine Durant
Mahershala Ali - Remy Danton, a lobbyist
Michael Kelly - Doug Stamper
Sebastian Arcelus - Lucas Goodwin
Ben Daniels - Adam Galloway
Boris McGiver - Tom Hammerschmidt
Dan Ziskie - Jim Matthews
Here is one of the trailers for House of Cards. Just click the link.
I'll provide a full review once I finish the entire season. I don't want to break the reviews us show by show. I'm too into the show, riveted by the story line, the acting, the drama. And Kate Mara... Wow, what a job she does in the show. Excellent!
Here is the cast:
Kevin Spacey - Representative Francis Underwood, Democrat from South Carolina. Francis is Majority Whip. After being passed up for the position of Secretary of State after being promised the nomination, he hatches a plan to seek revenge on the newly elected President
Robin Wright - Claire Underwood, Francis' wife
Kate Mara - Zoe Barnes, a reporter for the Washington Herald. She is tired of being a "metro" journalist, and seeks more of a top reporting role. She befriends Francis Underwood and breaks insider government information
Corey Stoll - Representative Peter Russo. He is a Democrat from Pennsylvania, who is known in the "circle" as a womanizer. He is engaged in an office romance with his secretary even though he continues to cavort with prostitutes while drinking and doing drugs.
Kristen Connolly - Christina Gallagher. Peter Russo's secretary and partner in their office affair.
Sakina Jaffrey - Linda Vasquez. Chief of Staff to the newly elected President.
Constance Zimmer - Janine Skorsky. Another reporter for Washington Herald.
Sandrine Holt - Gillian Cole. Leads a grass-roots organization which provides clean water to third-world countries.
Michael Gill - President Garrett Walker
Jayne Atkinson - Senator Catherine Durant
Mahershala Ali - Remy Danton, a lobbyist
Michael Kelly - Doug Stamper
Sebastian Arcelus - Lucas Goodwin
Ben Daniels - Adam Galloway
Boris McGiver - Tom Hammerschmidt
Dan Ziskie - Jim Matthews
Here is one of the trailers for House of Cards. Just click the link.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Thank You For Your Patience
Well, I have to admit, it has been a tough week for me. Ever feel like nothing is going right, and that nothing will ever go right again? Yea, that is how I felt this week. Just felt like things were crumbling all around me. Nothing seemed to go my way, no matter what I did. I needed the few days to recollect my thoughts and to put things in motion. Something happened Tuesday that has prompted this and also inspired my next article. I'll explain in detail when I put the article up on Monday, maybe even Sunday night.
Also, I'm going to be in classes for the next two weeks. I'm probably going to be studying a lot so I can pass the real estate license test. But that will not stop me from putting articles up. I may just post them the night before instead of the morning of. So just be aware.
Don't worry readers, Fuzzy is not leaving you. I'll still be here. And I'll be dishing out the Big F.U. as much as ever! Along with some F.U.'s I'm going to be doing articles on issues that plague our daily lives, expressing my opinions and asking you for yours (and encouraging respectful debate). And I am going to continue to explore an expansion of this blog. Why? Cause I want to entertain all of you!
By the way, anyone want to be a guest writer, please contact me at
Until then, keep safe and keep giving assholes the middle finger!
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Also, I'm going to be in classes for the next two weeks. I'm probably going to be studying a lot so I can pass the real estate license test. But that will not stop me from putting articles up. I may just post them the night before instead of the morning of. So just be aware.
Don't worry readers, Fuzzy is not leaving you. I'll still be here. And I'll be dishing out the Big F.U. as much as ever! Along with some F.U.'s I'm going to be doing articles on issues that plague our daily lives, expressing my opinions and asking you for yours (and encouraging respectful debate). And I am going to continue to explore an expansion of this blog. Why? Cause I want to entertain all of you!
By the way, anyone want to be a guest writer, please contact me at
Until then, keep safe and keep giving assholes the middle finger!
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
What's Up With Fuzzy?
Don't worry people, I am here. All is well. As I stated yesterday I have some issues I unfortunately need to clear up. Nothing serious. I'm not in trouble or anything. These daily F.U. have not landed Fuzzy in any trouble... yet. :)
I have a few articles I want to write, some situations I want to report on. I'm hoping to get started again next week, maybe Monday. This week has not been a good one for me. Not at all. And as promised, I will explain everything once I'm back to this blog full time.
Once I have everything cleared up on my end, I'm going to do a piece on how America is failing Americans. Hopefully it will be an epic piece. No one will be exempt from my wrath. No one. Not even.....
Until then, enjoy your days. Hope you are all doing well.
I have a few articles I want to write, some situations I want to report on. I'm hoping to get started again next week, maybe Monday. This week has not been a good one for me. Not at all. And as promised, I will explain everything once I'm back to this blog full time.
Once I have everything cleared up on my end, I'm going to do a piece on how America is failing Americans. Hopefully it will be an epic piece. No one will be exempt from my wrath. No one. Not even.....
Until then, enjoy your days. Hope you are all doing well.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
My Apologies, Please Don't Go
Sorry I didn't get an article out today. Have a lot of personal issues I need to resolve. Once things are clear a new article will come out. I appreciate your patience. Hopefully things are worked out in a few days. Then I will let you all in on the situation. Fuzzy has nothing to hide, unlike Bob Iger, CEO of The Walt Disney Company who apparently has a lot to hide. I promise you all the full story when I get back. Until then, love you all!!!
You, my readers, get a huge THUMBS UP, Fonzi Style!
You, my readers, get a huge THUMBS UP, Fonzi Style!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Begging is So Unbecoming of You
Happy Monday Fuzzheads. Hope everyone had great weekend. Mine was very cold here in the Garden State. Had a little snow, only a dusting so it wasn't all that bad. Got a light covering this morning as well. Nothing bad. I'm just waiting for that damn 26 inch storm to barrel down on us before the winter is over.
How many of my readers have Twitter accounts? And how many of you notice, all too often, people begging for a celebrity to follow them? This past weekend I felt every tweet I received (mostly retweets) were ones begging a celebrity to follow them. People, really. Do you think begging a celebrity to follow you will really get you noticed? Highly highly doubtful. Feel fortunate enough if they respond to your tweet. Just please, stop begging. And to those retweeting it, stop. You are just as annoying. Thankfully we can unfollow those who spam the Twitter feed.
Which brings me to this. I had my Twitter account suspended for about five minutes on Friday. Apparently Twitter thought my account had either been hacked or had spam software attached to it. I guess my tweets to people suggesting they read Friday's blog topic was too much. I did send out a lot of tweets in a short period of time. And yea, I didn't change the wording, so I can see where Twitter thought I was spamming. But, got the issue resolved and Fuzzy is back on Twitter. Had me a good laugh though.
Well, this is going to be a short one today. I have a lot of personal situations that need attending to today. But I didn't want to leave you without something to read. I need to go take care of a few things all week actually. I'm hoping to give you all some good articles to entertain you though. I hate to disappoint any of you. One disappointment is too much. I aim to please.
I'll end with some news. I have been thinking of expanding the blog into other media forums. I have a few ideas in mind, just need to research it all in my spare time. You will be notified once a decision is made. Hopefully it is something I can pull off and make completely entertaining for you. A few very close friends have an idea of where I am thinking of taking things, and they like the plans. But, it has to really be worth my while, and yours as well. So keep reading the column for updates. I will keep all of you posted.
Oh, wait, I forgot. Fuzz Nation, join me in giving Twitter beggers a Big F.U. today. I think they need to listen to me, don't you? So damn annoying.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
How many of my readers have Twitter accounts? And how many of you notice, all too often, people begging for a celebrity to follow them? This past weekend I felt every tweet I received (mostly retweets) were ones begging a celebrity to follow them. People, really. Do you think begging a celebrity to follow you will really get you noticed? Highly highly doubtful. Feel fortunate enough if they respond to your tweet. Just please, stop begging. And to those retweeting it, stop. You are just as annoying. Thankfully we can unfollow those who spam the Twitter feed.
Which brings me to this. I had my Twitter account suspended for about five minutes on Friday. Apparently Twitter thought my account had either been hacked or had spam software attached to it. I guess my tweets to people suggesting they read Friday's blog topic was too much. I did send out a lot of tweets in a short period of time. And yea, I didn't change the wording, so I can see where Twitter thought I was spamming. But, got the issue resolved and Fuzzy is back on Twitter. Had me a good laugh though.
Well, this is going to be a short one today. I have a lot of personal situations that need attending to today. But I didn't want to leave you without something to read. I need to go take care of a few things all week actually. I'm hoping to give you all some good articles to entertain you though. I hate to disappoint any of you. One disappointment is too much. I aim to please.
I'll end with some news. I have been thinking of expanding the blog into other media forums. I have a few ideas in mind, just need to research it all in my spare time. You will be notified once a decision is made. Hopefully it is something I can pull off and make completely entertaining for you. A few very close friends have an idea of where I am thinking of taking things, and they like the plans. But, it has to really be worth my while, and yours as well. So keep reading the column for updates. I will keep all of you posted.
Oh, wait, I forgot. Fuzz Nation, join me in giving Twitter beggers a Big F.U. today. I think they need to listen to me, don't you? So damn annoying.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Friday, January 25, 2013
My Faith In Humanity is Restored, For a Little While At Least
We live in a very negative world. Watch the news on any given night and all you hear about is murder, rape, robbery, poor economic numbers, who hates who, who fights with who, and who wants to start wars. The lead stories on the nightly news, or headlines in the newspaper usually exploit someone's misery. And if something positive is reported, you get a little blurb, barely noticeable.
My faith in humanity has been restored, even just a little bit. The last two weeks I have dished out Thumbs Up to two celebrities who I am a huge fan of. Today, I dish out a Thumbs Up to three high school students who truly deserve it. The story is touching.
This is the time of the school year where teenagers start wondering about prom. They begin to look at dresses, tuxes, asking each other to be prom dates. They start planning their one night of complete freedom, spending the weekend somewhere with friends, and engaging the hi-jinx teenagers engage in on prom night. The popular students start to vie for the title of Prom King and Queen while the not so popular students are left out in the cold, some wondering if they will even get a date for the prom, some not planning on going because they don't want to spend the night with people who bully the hell out of them.
Homecoming normally does not happen until around November. However, in one high school in Tennessee, voting for next year's Homecoming King and Queen already took place. And what happened should bring a tear to the eye of any caring human.
Three male students at Community High School were nominated for Homecoming King. The winner was announced at a basketball game. But what came next is very inspiring.
The three male students Jesse Cooper, Drew Gibbs, and Zeke Grissom had decided to turn over the title of Homecoming King to a fellow student who suffers from Williams Syndrome, junior Scotty Maloney. Williams Syndrome is a neurological disorder which inhibits the ability to learn and speak. Jesse Cooper won the popular vote, but because of the prearranged agreement, Jesse did not accept the honor. Instead, the principal of the school announced what the boys had decided to do, and called Scotty out to the court.
The students in attendance erupted in applause and cheered for Scotty. They gave him a standing ovation while he received his "King" medal, according to local news station WKRN.
One of Scotty's teachers, Liz Hestle Gassaway, spoke to ABCNews.Com and told them, "When they called [Scotty's] name, his eyes got really big and I don't know that he registered exactly what was happening. He knew something was. It was very, very emotional."
Jesse Cooper told WKRN (an ABC News Nashville affiliate) "I've been blessed with so many things, I just wanted Scotty to experience something great in his high school days."
In today's age of bullying, a story such as this is truly inspiring. Stories like this should be front and center. Stories like this should be spread around through each and every school. Maybe we can begin to change the attitude and the climate in schools where bullying occurs on a daily basis. Maybe, just maybe, we can make a difference in this world. All we need to do is show each other some more compassion. Put aside our differences and respect each other for who we are, not what we want the other person to be. Stop the bullying. Stop the hate. Stop the divide. It is time we come together as a people and unite for a stronger country, and a peaceful world.
Jesse Cooper, Drew Gibbs, and Zeke Grissom, you fine gentlemen receive today's Big T.U., Chuck Norris style.
And Scotty Maloney, you get a Thumbs Up as well, Chuck Norris style, cause you sir are a bad ass! Congratulations my man. Wear that medal proud!
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
My faith in humanity has been restored, even just a little bit. The last two weeks I have dished out Thumbs Up to two celebrities who I am a huge fan of. Today, I dish out a Thumbs Up to three high school students who truly deserve it. The story is touching.
This is the time of the school year where teenagers start wondering about prom. They begin to look at dresses, tuxes, asking each other to be prom dates. They start planning their one night of complete freedom, spending the weekend somewhere with friends, and engaging the hi-jinx teenagers engage in on prom night. The popular students start to vie for the title of Prom King and Queen while the not so popular students are left out in the cold, some wondering if they will even get a date for the prom, some not planning on going because they don't want to spend the night with people who bully the hell out of them.
Homecoming normally does not happen until around November. However, in one high school in Tennessee, voting for next year's Homecoming King and Queen already took place. And what happened should bring a tear to the eye of any caring human.
Three male students at Community High School were nominated for Homecoming King. The winner was announced at a basketball game. But what came next is very inspiring.
The three male students Jesse Cooper, Drew Gibbs, and Zeke Grissom had decided to turn over the title of Homecoming King to a fellow student who suffers from Williams Syndrome, junior Scotty Maloney. Williams Syndrome is a neurological disorder which inhibits the ability to learn and speak. Jesse Cooper won the popular vote, but because of the prearranged agreement, Jesse did not accept the honor. Instead, the principal of the school announced what the boys had decided to do, and called Scotty out to the court.
The students in attendance erupted in applause and cheered for Scotty. They gave him a standing ovation while he received his "King" medal, according to local news station WKRN.
One of Scotty's teachers, Liz Hestle Gassaway, spoke to ABCNews.Com and told them, "When they called [Scotty's] name, his eyes got really big and I don't know that he registered exactly what was happening. He knew something was. It was very, very emotional."
Jesse Cooper told WKRN (an ABC News Nashville affiliate) "I've been blessed with so many things, I just wanted Scotty to experience something great in his high school days."
In today's age of bullying, a story such as this is truly inspiring. Stories like this should be front and center. Stories like this should be spread around through each and every school. Maybe we can begin to change the attitude and the climate in schools where bullying occurs on a daily basis. Maybe, just maybe, we can make a difference in this world. All we need to do is show each other some more compassion. Put aside our differences and respect each other for who we are, not what we want the other person to be. Stop the bullying. Stop the hate. Stop the divide. It is time we come together as a people and unite for a stronger country, and a peaceful world.
Jesse Cooper, Drew Gibbs, and Zeke Grissom, you fine gentlemen receive today's Big T.U., Chuck Norris style.
And Scotty Maloney, you get a Thumbs Up as well, Chuck Norris style, cause you sir are a bad ass! Congratulations my man. Wear that medal proud!
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Facebook Whiners, Complainers And Biograpgy Writers, And The Fuzz Turns to You
Okay, I have to admit, I cannot stand many of the status updates I see on Facebook on a daily basis. We know it is cold out. We know when it is raining. We know when it is snowing. Stop giving us updates on Facebook people. Please. Just. Stop. It is annoying.
I also hate people who use Facebook to bitch about their jobs. First of all, not smart. Your boss can easily find you on Facebook and read your comments. And companies have won in court when fired employees tried suing. Companies have all the rights. You, the employees, have none. So do not put yourself into a situation where you will be fired for idiotic comments about your job. Oh and another thing: AT LEAST YOU HAVE A GOD DAMNED JOB!!!!! Talk to the 23 million Americans out there who do not have a job to go to, have no income, and cannot pay their bills, rent, food, or any thing else that is essential for living. Stop the bitching. You are a frigging idiot. I hope you get fired. And I hate you.
Seriously people, why do you complain about your job? It is a damn job. You haven't been laid off. You have an income. So you are sitting in an office that is a little chilly. Boo hoo hoo, my heart bleeds for you. Oh, your payroll tax went up a bit? See these tears? Oh, you don't? That is because I am not frigging crying for you. I'd gladly allow my payroll tax to increase a bit if it means I have a steady income. Oh, and by the way, learn why the payroll tax went up. Don't just blame certain people all willy nilly. You sound like a moron. Then again, chances are, you are a frigging moron.
Do I need to know that you are stuck in traffic on your way home from work? Or that you are on vacation? Or cooking dinner? Getting ready for bed? Or taking a shit of epic proportions? No. I don't. So STOP IT. I don't need to know every aspect of your damned life. You aren't important. Honestly, I don't want to know any of this garbage from people who are important. I surely don't want to know it from you.
Maybe it is just me. I don't know. Yes, I have a Facebook account. But I use it to help promote this blog (and apparently I've been failing LOL). I just ask, please, stop the Facebook insanity.
So, Facebook whiners, complainers, and Biography Writers, here is a Big F.U. to you!
And now, I'd like to take this moment to ask you, the Big F.U. readers, what would you like to read and see on this blog? I do this blog to vent about people who annoy me. But I also do it for you, to entertain you. Maybe to help you get things off your chest as well. Feel free to contact me on Facebook, Twitter, by email, or leave comments here. I would love to hear from you regarding what you would love to read here. You can email me at:
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
I also hate people who use Facebook to bitch about their jobs. First of all, not smart. Your boss can easily find you on Facebook and read your comments. And companies have won in court when fired employees tried suing. Companies have all the rights. You, the employees, have none. So do not put yourself into a situation where you will be fired for idiotic comments about your job. Oh and another thing: AT LEAST YOU HAVE A GOD DAMNED JOB!!!!! Talk to the 23 million Americans out there who do not have a job to go to, have no income, and cannot pay their bills, rent, food, or any thing else that is essential for living. Stop the bitching. You are a frigging idiot. I hope you get fired. And I hate you.
Seriously people, why do you complain about your job? It is a damn job. You haven't been laid off. You have an income. So you are sitting in an office that is a little chilly. Boo hoo hoo, my heart bleeds for you. Oh, your payroll tax went up a bit? See these tears? Oh, you don't? That is because I am not frigging crying for you. I'd gladly allow my payroll tax to increase a bit if it means I have a steady income. Oh, and by the way, learn why the payroll tax went up. Don't just blame certain people all willy nilly. You sound like a moron. Then again, chances are, you are a frigging moron.
Do I need to know that you are stuck in traffic on your way home from work? Or that you are on vacation? Or cooking dinner? Getting ready for bed? Or taking a shit of epic proportions? No. I don't. So STOP IT. I don't need to know every aspect of your damned life. You aren't important. Honestly, I don't want to know any of this garbage from people who are important. I surely don't want to know it from you.
Maybe it is just me. I don't know. Yes, I have a Facebook account. But I use it to help promote this blog (and apparently I've been failing LOL). I just ask, please, stop the Facebook insanity.
So, Facebook whiners, complainers, and Biography Writers, here is a Big F.U. to you!
And now, I'd like to take this moment to ask you, the Big F.U. readers, what would you like to read and see on this blog? I do this blog to vent about people who annoy me. But I also do it for you, to entertain you. Maybe to help you get things off your chest as well. Feel free to contact me on Facebook, Twitter, by email, or leave comments here. I would love to hear from you regarding what you would love to read here. You can email me at:
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Haters Gonna Hate, and Today I Hate!
What's worse, a phony or a hater? I'd say a phony. Why? Because at least you know a hater is keeping true to him or her self. A phony, well, is nothing but a fraud. If a friend is acting like a phony, you must question his or her friendship with you. And if a person is liking a performer they used to hate, well, you need to figure out why. Maybe they are trying to fit in or impress someone. You know what is funny? Calling the phony out and watching them squirm. Oh the joy I receive when I do that. Then you get called a hater. But hey, at least I didn't compromise my own integrity!
And really people, is it such a big deal that Beyonce lip synced the National Anthem at the Inauguration Monday? Seriously, THAT is what you are going to complain about? Whitney Houston was aided by a pre-recorded version of the Star Spangled Banner during her much beloved Super Bowl performance. Maybe Kelly Clarkson should have lip synced her song as well. She may have sounded better.
I'm no Beyonce fan or mark but seriously, get over it. She lip synced. Must be the end of the world.
Which brings me to someone else who LIP SYNCS but people seem to love her still. I don't get it. She sucks more that Justin Bieber. And we all know how much he sucks. If he sold his soul to the Devil for fame and fortune, then this "performer" had to find a power more evil that Satan himself to give her fame and fortune.
I'm talking about another talentless hack, Nicki Minaj. When I hear one of her songs, I want to stick ice picks in my ears. I'd risk losing my hearing if it meant I never have to hear the noise that comes out of her mouth ever again. How people can listen to her is beyond me. Maybe IQ tests need to be handed out before buying music. If you like certain "performers" you are banned from ever purchasing a CD or downloading music from iTunes or where ever you get your music from today.
Nicki Minaj on American Idol is a joke. She sucks. Plain and simple. She sucks. There I said it. NICKI MINAJ SUCKS! Fingernails scratching a chalk board is more appealing. And this is now a judge on American Idol? Really? Have they gotten that desperate on that show? Nicki Minaj judging singing talent is like NJ Governor Chris Christie teaching a class about healthy eating and nutrition. Please let this be the death knell for Idol. If there is a God in that vast Universe of ours, please, do us a favor, end the misery of Idol once and for all.
Oh, and seriously, Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey have a feud. Really? Really? Really? What are they feuding over, who is the biggest piece of trash walking? Mariah wins that one so far. But if they are trying to figure out who is less talented, well, it is a tie. Neither one are very talented. Actually, neither once is talented at all.
So, people, join me in giving Nicki Minaj today's Big F.U. Yes, Nicki, you suck. Now go home and stop polluting the air waves with your garbage.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
And really people, is it such a big deal that Beyonce lip synced the National Anthem at the Inauguration Monday? Seriously, THAT is what you are going to complain about? Whitney Houston was aided by a pre-recorded version of the Star Spangled Banner during her much beloved Super Bowl performance. Maybe Kelly Clarkson should have lip synced her song as well. She may have sounded better.
I'm no Beyonce fan or mark but seriously, get over it. She lip synced. Must be the end of the world.
Which brings me to someone else who LIP SYNCS but people seem to love her still. I don't get it. She sucks more that Justin Bieber. And we all know how much he sucks. If he sold his soul to the Devil for fame and fortune, then this "performer" had to find a power more evil that Satan himself to give her fame and fortune.
I'm talking about another talentless hack, Nicki Minaj. When I hear one of her songs, I want to stick ice picks in my ears. I'd risk losing my hearing if it meant I never have to hear the noise that comes out of her mouth ever again. How people can listen to her is beyond me. Maybe IQ tests need to be handed out before buying music. If you like certain "performers" you are banned from ever purchasing a CD or downloading music from iTunes or where ever you get your music from today.
Nicki Minaj on American Idol is a joke. She sucks. Plain and simple. She sucks. There I said it. NICKI MINAJ SUCKS! Fingernails scratching a chalk board is more appealing. And this is now a judge on American Idol? Really? Have they gotten that desperate on that show? Nicki Minaj judging singing talent is like NJ Governor Chris Christie teaching a class about healthy eating and nutrition. Please let this be the death knell for Idol. If there is a God in that vast Universe of ours, please, do us a favor, end the misery of Idol once and for all.
Oh, and seriously, Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey have a feud. Really? Really? Really? What are they feuding over, who is the biggest piece of trash walking? Mariah wins that one so far. But if they are trying to figure out who is less talented, well, it is a tie. Neither one are very talented. Actually, neither once is talented at all.
So, people, join me in giving Nicki Minaj today's Big F.U. Yes, Nicki, you suck. Now go home and stop polluting the air waves with your garbage.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Fuzz Dishes About the Inauguration
I want to make this known from the start, this is not a political post. Today I am writing about the Inauguration ceremony held yesterday for President Barack Obama. This has nothing to do with political leanings, policy, or beliefs. So, please, let's keep the back and forth nonsense right there. There will be plenty of time for us to have those discussions and debates, as long as they remain civil. I know how testy those conversations can get.
Yesterday, January 21, 2013, marked the celebration of the swearing in or President Obama and Vice President Biden to their second term in office. And the event was a gala, something that should make other countries want to be like us. I was in awe watching the peaceful transition of our government. Most countries never get this kind of opportunity. We should feel thankful we live in a country where we elect our leaders and transfer power in a peaceful way.
Another amazing sight was Joe Biden being sworn in by the first Hispanic female justice on the Supreme Court, Justice Sonia Sotomayor. And Obama can deliver a wonderful speech. If you are a Progressive, his speech was wonderful.
We didn't get to watch the leaders and their guests eat lunch, thankfully. Who would want to see that? But we did get to see the presentation of the gifts. John Boehner presented the flags. Eric Cantor presented the President and Vice President with vases. Nancy Pelosi presented the guests with a "goody bag" of items. Chuck Shumer toasted Joe Biden. Biden then toasted Shumer. And Henry Reid toasted President Obama, who in turn toasted and thanked every member of our government for their service. I can honestly say Boehner sounded like a moron. Canter is a horrible speaker. Pelosi came off as a dimwit. And Reid, well, he nearly put me to sleep.
After the salute to the troops, the President and his family, along with the Vice President and his family, took a long motorcade drive to the White House, where they took in and viewed the Presidential Parade. Mr. and Mrs. Obama got out of their car and walked a good portion of the route, waving to fellow Americans who were there to celebrate a momentous day. The only downer about the parade, in my opinion, were the "floats." They looked like card board cut outs. However, the marching bands were excellent. Kudos have to be given to the high school and college bands who performed. I'm sure they were extremely nervous having to perform in front of the President.
The Presidential Balls were held at night. Of course, they aren't televised. The only portions televised, at least by MSNBC and CNN (Fox News was probably closing down for maintenance since their viewers want to act like yesterday never happened LOL), were Joe Biden's speech and the President and First Lady dancing after their introductions at the two official balls. Jennifer Hudson serenaded the First Couple both times.
Once again, no matter what side of the political isle you consider yourself to be a part of, the transition of power in our country cannot be topped. While citizens of other countries have no say in their leaders, we get to elect ours. Power shifts in other countries are bloody, violent, and deadly. Ours is peaceful and celebrated. We prove, every four years, on January 20, just how lucky we are to be Americans and live in the country we live in. I can say I am proud to be an American.
Let me finish with this: yesterday would not be possible if it weren't for the men and women in uniform, putting their lives on the line to defend our freedom. They risk life and limb for this country. Let's show them the respect they deserve, not just in times of war, but in times of peace as well. Let us not chastise the job they are sent out to do, or brand them as villains on their return home from active duty. Let us make sure they are cared for and taken care of since so many come home and are never the same, whether physically or mentally. Let us never forget that, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be the free society we are today. Readers, join me in thanking the troops for their sacrifice.
Yesterday, January 21, 2013, marked the celebration of the swearing in or President Obama and Vice President Biden to their second term in office. And the event was a gala, something that should make other countries want to be like us. I was in awe watching the peaceful transition of our government. Most countries never get this kind of opportunity. We should feel thankful we live in a country where we elect our leaders and transfer power in a peaceful way.
Another amazing sight was Joe Biden being sworn in by the first Hispanic female justice on the Supreme Court, Justice Sonia Sotomayor. And Obama can deliver a wonderful speech. If you are a Progressive, his speech was wonderful.
We didn't get to watch the leaders and their guests eat lunch, thankfully. Who would want to see that? But we did get to see the presentation of the gifts. John Boehner presented the flags. Eric Cantor presented the President and Vice President with vases. Nancy Pelosi presented the guests with a "goody bag" of items. Chuck Shumer toasted Joe Biden. Biden then toasted Shumer. And Henry Reid toasted President Obama, who in turn toasted and thanked every member of our government for their service. I can honestly say Boehner sounded like a moron. Canter is a horrible speaker. Pelosi came off as a dimwit. And Reid, well, he nearly put me to sleep.
After the salute to the troops, the President and his family, along with the Vice President and his family, took a long motorcade drive to the White House, where they took in and viewed the Presidential Parade. Mr. and Mrs. Obama got out of their car and walked a good portion of the route, waving to fellow Americans who were there to celebrate a momentous day. The only downer about the parade, in my opinion, were the "floats." They looked like card board cut outs. However, the marching bands were excellent. Kudos have to be given to the high school and college bands who performed. I'm sure they were extremely nervous having to perform in front of the President.
The Presidential Balls were held at night. Of course, they aren't televised. The only portions televised, at least by MSNBC and CNN (Fox News was probably closing down for maintenance since their viewers want to act like yesterday never happened LOL), were Joe Biden's speech and the President and First Lady dancing after their introductions at the two official balls. Jennifer Hudson serenaded the First Couple both times.
Once again, no matter what side of the political isle you consider yourself to be a part of, the transition of power in our country cannot be topped. While citizens of other countries have no say in their leaders, we get to elect ours. Power shifts in other countries are bloody, violent, and deadly. Ours is peaceful and celebrated. We prove, every four years, on January 20, just how lucky we are to be Americans and live in the country we live in. I can say I am proud to be an American.
Let me finish with this: yesterday would not be possible if it weren't for the men and women in uniform, putting their lives on the line to defend our freedom. They risk life and limb for this country. Let's show them the respect they deserve, not just in times of war, but in times of peace as well. Let us not chastise the job they are sent out to do, or brand them as villains on their return home from active duty. Let us make sure they are cared for and taken care of since so many come home and are never the same, whether physically or mentally. Let us never forget that, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be the free society we are today. Readers, join me in thanking the troops for their sacrifice.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Even the Ignorant Have A Voice... Sadly
Let me start off today's entry with a Happy Birthday to Martin Luther King, even though his birthday was really last week. Also, today is the inauguration of President Barack Obama, even though yesterday was the official inauguration. Wow, Monday is just one big celebration!
And today, we are reminded of the political divide in this, the United States of America. We are reminded of political agendas, and how devastating these agendas are to the "little" people of this great country of ours. And we are reminded that, just because you are a CEO doesn't mean you are a bright person. Proof of that is at your finger tips. Just Google some of the CEO's comments regarding the current President, and you'll see these people aren't as smart as they want you to think they are.
Several CEO's come to mind when talking about stupidity. But, I'm focusing on one today. The others may have an article here in the future, if they continue to open their mouths and continue to sound like complete jack asses. Today's subject has opened his mouth once too many times, and that is why he is today's focus.
His name? John Mackey, co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods. Whole Foods is a chain of supermarkets specializing in heath foods, whether the food be natural or organic. And, as people who have shopped there say, are very expensive. They haven't been given the nickname Whole Paycheck Food for nothing.
Back to John Mackey. I'll start off by saying, I give him credit for starting his own business. I know it isn't easy to get off the ground, nor is it easy to sustain the business. I've researched what it takes to open your own business. And, even though I have an idea for a business in my town, and a business plan written, getting the business off the ground really is the hardest part.
John Mackey has been in the news recently regarding comments he has passed regarding the health care President Obama has passed, as well as saying climate change (just another term for global warming) is not a bad thing. Let me tackle the first comment.
John, haven't you seen the backlash dished out by American consumers against some Appleby's and Denny's chains of restaurants after those franchise owners spoke out and said something stupid regarding President Obama? Do you realize that people see through the idiocy of these people? John, what makes you think people won't do the same to Whole Foods?
First of all, Whole Foods makes money hand over fist. DO you really want us to believe that the company is going to go under if you have to provide health care to your employees? Let's face it, Whole Foods will still be here, standing strong, making millions upon millions of dollars. If providing health care to employees was such a bad thing, no company would ever offer it. But fact is, EVERY company offers health care. And some even offer it to part time employees, such as Starbucks. Are you afraid you may not make your personal millions? Wonder why people look at the rich as greedy bastards John Mackey?
And as for climate change. How is it not a bad thing? Polar caps melting will flood the oceans. The flooding oceans will creep up, over taking our shores, putting land once inhabited by people under water. Flooding will destroy homes and communities. Will lead to death. Maybe you don't have anything to worry about, in your mansion up on the hill. But think about your employees, who probably live in areas where flooding will erase their lifestyle.
Hotter weather will kill off food supplies for a large portion of the world. Hunger will take over and millions and millions will perish. But, that is okay with you, right John? I guess so. In your eyes, the death of the poor and middle class only means more wealth for you, is that right John? Because when you open your mouth. You may just kill off a lot of your business.
Look, I'm not going to make this post political. And I hope any comments that may be posted aren't political in nature. Your personal feelings about the current President, or Congress, or feelings toward political parties are not the subject of today's F.U. So, please, let's keep those feelings out, until I post a F.U. to a politician. Believe me, one will be coming, I guarantee.
So, readers, if you are with me, let's give a Big F.U. to John Mackey, co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods. John, go F yourself!
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
And today, we are reminded of the political divide in this, the United States of America. We are reminded of political agendas, and how devastating these agendas are to the "little" people of this great country of ours. And we are reminded that, just because you are a CEO doesn't mean you are a bright person. Proof of that is at your finger tips. Just Google some of the CEO's comments regarding the current President, and you'll see these people aren't as smart as they want you to think they are.
Several CEO's come to mind when talking about stupidity. But, I'm focusing on one today. The others may have an article here in the future, if they continue to open their mouths and continue to sound like complete jack asses. Today's subject has opened his mouth once too many times, and that is why he is today's focus.
His name? John Mackey, co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods. Whole Foods is a chain of supermarkets specializing in heath foods, whether the food be natural or organic. And, as people who have shopped there say, are very expensive. They haven't been given the nickname Whole Paycheck Food for nothing.
Back to John Mackey. I'll start off by saying, I give him credit for starting his own business. I know it isn't easy to get off the ground, nor is it easy to sustain the business. I've researched what it takes to open your own business. And, even though I have an idea for a business in my town, and a business plan written, getting the business off the ground really is the hardest part.
John Mackey has been in the news recently regarding comments he has passed regarding the health care President Obama has passed, as well as saying climate change (just another term for global warming) is not a bad thing. Let me tackle the first comment.
John, haven't you seen the backlash dished out by American consumers against some Appleby's and Denny's chains of restaurants after those franchise owners spoke out and said something stupid regarding President Obama? Do you realize that people see through the idiocy of these people? John, what makes you think people won't do the same to Whole Foods?
First of all, Whole Foods makes money hand over fist. DO you really want us to believe that the company is going to go under if you have to provide health care to your employees? Let's face it, Whole Foods will still be here, standing strong, making millions upon millions of dollars. If providing health care to employees was such a bad thing, no company would ever offer it. But fact is, EVERY company offers health care. And some even offer it to part time employees, such as Starbucks. Are you afraid you may not make your personal millions? Wonder why people look at the rich as greedy bastards John Mackey?
And as for climate change. How is it not a bad thing? Polar caps melting will flood the oceans. The flooding oceans will creep up, over taking our shores, putting land once inhabited by people under water. Flooding will destroy homes and communities. Will lead to death. Maybe you don't have anything to worry about, in your mansion up on the hill. But think about your employees, who probably live in areas where flooding will erase their lifestyle.
Hotter weather will kill off food supplies for a large portion of the world. Hunger will take over and millions and millions will perish. But, that is okay with you, right John? I guess so. In your eyes, the death of the poor and middle class only means more wealth for you, is that right John? Because when you open your mouth. You may just kill off a lot of your business.
Look, I'm not going to make this post political. And I hope any comments that may be posted aren't political in nature. Your personal feelings about the current President, or Congress, or feelings toward political parties are not the subject of today's F.U. So, please, let's keep those feelings out, until I post a F.U. to a politician. Believe me, one will be coming, I guarantee.
So, readers, if you are with me, let's give a Big F.U. to John Mackey, co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods. John, go F yourself!
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Friday, January 18, 2013
The Fuzz Issues Another T.U.
Today is Friday which means, The Fuzz dishes out a T. U. instead of a F.U. Yes, even Fuzzy needs a break from dishing out the middle finger to deserving candidates.
I had a hard time deciding on today's winner. When I pick someone, I want to try to pick a person who some of you (maybe most) have not heard of. Or maybe you have heard of him/her/them but not really familiar with their work. Then again, you may be familiar with their work and just don't like them. My hope is to maybe turn you on to someone who I feel is talented, or a good person deserving of recognition. That means, the winner may not always be a celebrity, but would have probably been in the news one time or another.
So, I was trying to think who could receive the T.U. today, and so many names were running through my head. I focused on one, then another, then another. I just couldn't decide. Then, it struck me. This person needs to receive a thumbs up.
Does this person really need an introduction? Doubtful. You are all familiar with his work, I'm sure. But how much do you know about how this man's career started?
After college, he was hired at Hannah-Barbera where we worked on Dexter's Laboratory, Cow and Chicken, I Am Weasel, and Johnny Bravo. He wrote and animated shows such as Cartoon Cartoons on Cartoon Network. He also did some work for Walt Disney Television Animation where we wrote for Jungle Cubs and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Nickelodeon also aired Zoomates, a short he had written for another studio.
Politically, he defines himself as a Democrat. He has donated money to the political campaigns of Democratic congressmen and women, and he is a supporter of current U.S. President, Barack Obama. This man supports legalizing cannabis as well as gay marriage.
Still don't know who this man is? Well, the following will give it away, and that's okay. The works below is what he is truly known for anyway.
Family Guy, do I need to say more? How about American Dad? The Cleveland Show? What about the hit movie Ted? Yea, I think you all guessed it now.
Today's winner of the second Thumbs Up Award is.... SETH MACFARLANE!!!! In my opinion, the man is a genius. Not only does he write the Family Guy episodes, but he also provides voice talent for several of the characters. Same for American Dad. And who can forget Ted. If you haven't seen that movie, I suggest you rent it. Funny as hell. And if you are not familiar with Family Guy, American Dad, or The Cleveland Show, check out Netflix streaming service. The shows are available there.
Well, I hit that time. What time you ask? TIme to shout out from the mountain tops, Seth MacFarlane, you are the winner of today's T.U. Award. The Fuzz, I mean Fonz, approves!
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
I had a hard time deciding on today's winner. When I pick someone, I want to try to pick a person who some of you (maybe most) have not heard of. Or maybe you have heard of him/her/them but not really familiar with their work. Then again, you may be familiar with their work and just don't like them. My hope is to maybe turn you on to someone who I feel is talented, or a good person deserving of recognition. That means, the winner may not always be a celebrity, but would have probably been in the news one time or another.
So, I was trying to think who could receive the T.U. today, and so many names were running through my head. I focused on one, then another, then another. I just couldn't decide. Then, it struck me. This person needs to receive a thumbs up.
Does this person really need an introduction? Doubtful. You are all familiar with his work, I'm sure. But how much do you know about how this man's career started?
After college, he was hired at Hannah-Barbera where we worked on Dexter's Laboratory, Cow and Chicken, I Am Weasel, and Johnny Bravo. He wrote and animated shows such as Cartoon Cartoons on Cartoon Network. He also did some work for Walt Disney Television Animation where we wrote for Jungle Cubs and Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Nickelodeon also aired Zoomates, a short he had written for another studio.
Politically, he defines himself as a Democrat. He has donated money to the political campaigns of Democratic congressmen and women, and he is a supporter of current U.S. President, Barack Obama. This man supports legalizing cannabis as well as gay marriage.
Still don't know who this man is? Well, the following will give it away, and that's okay. The works below is what he is truly known for anyway.
Family Guy, do I need to say more? How about American Dad? The Cleveland Show? What about the hit movie Ted? Yea, I think you all guessed it now.
Today's winner of the second Thumbs Up Award is.... SETH MACFARLANE!!!! In my opinion, the man is a genius. Not only does he write the Family Guy episodes, but he also provides voice talent for several of the characters. Same for American Dad. And who can forget Ted. If you haven't seen that movie, I suggest you rent it. Funny as hell. And if you are not familiar with Family Guy, American Dad, or The Cleveland Show, check out Netflix streaming service. The shows are available there.
Well, I hit that time. What time you ask? TIme to shout out from the mountain tops, Seth MacFarlane, you are the winner of today's T.U. Award. The Fuzz, I mean Fonz, approves!
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
My Tests Came Back: I'm Positive
Before I post today's article, I want to let readers know that a friend of the Big F.U., Leah, has changed the web address of her blog. The new address is: Make sure to save this new address to your favorites, or bookmark, which ever you prefer. Just read it! Now, on to the article.
Fuzzheads, I am in one of those moods today, where EVERYONE pisses me off. I have no room in my life for stupid people, and there are plenty. I also have no room in my life for douche bags, ingrates, selfish bastards, ego maniacs, people who think they know it all and yet they know nothing (Tonya, sound like someone we know? LOL), and intolerant assholes. Those people can just back the fuzz away from me and never try to enter my life. You are not wanted, so scram. It's fun removing these low lives from your own life. Very refreshing.
I let you in on a little personal story yesterday regarding an ex-girlfriend. That story was 100% true. I wouldn't lie to my readers. See, I want my readers to be informed. I bet if a poll was taken today, Big F.U. readers would be more informed than Faux News viewers. I believe in honest reporting, not touting a losing and tired party line. Wait, this isn't about that comedy network, this is about something personal about me. That's right.
Well, readers, I have been busy lately. Busy writing. And I don't mean just the blog. I'm talking about other projects. Projects near and dear to my heart. Projects I have always wanted to try to accomplish, just never did. I have plenty of time on my hands, and figured if I put my mind to it, I'd be able to finally start accomplishing some of these goals.
See, Fuzzy has been out of work for over a year. I'll be out of work two years this summer. No matter how many jobs I apply to, no one seems to want to bring me in for an interview. I can admit to you, my loyal readers, the job search is very disheartening. Job after job. Application after application. And the result, always the same: Thank you for your interest. After further consideration, even though your resume and credentials are impressive, we are going with other candidates that best fit our needs for the position. Thank you and good luck. Okay, I got two words for ya, SUCK IT!
Today's F.U. does not go to these HR people who only look at a piece of paper, or an email, to determine if a job applicant is a good fit or not. Nope. They are only doing their job. As frustrating as it is, I understand. All I can do is keep plugging away. People say something will turn up for you. I've been saying that since June of 2011. Nothing has turned up yet. Sometimes I feel nothing will. But this isn't what I want to talk about today. One day I may tackle these little sayings, these positive quotes of the day, but not today.
There are people out there who love to make others miserable. They love to bring people down. They get a kick out of telling you that you cannot do something, that you will only fail. These people love to be negative all the time. The Fuzz has no time for negativity in my life either.
I ask, what purpose does it serve to tell someone they can never accomplish something? Does it make you feel good? Do you just hate to see someone succeed? Maybe you are afraid that someone's life will be better than yours? You are just pathetic. Misery loves company right? Well, I prefer to be alone.
No one can ever stop me from doing what I want to do, or accomplishing something I have my heart set on. No one but me that is. I've had people tell me doing certain things are a waste of my time, effort, money, and energy. You know what I say back to them? FUZZ YOU!
Last year, I started a different kind of blog. The idea came from a fan forum I had joined, where we had a little fun with movies. The goal was to watch 365 different movies during the year, with special weekly and monthly challenges. So, I decided to document my participation in a blog. Yea, I know, there are 1000's of other blogs out there which do the same. I read a few of them, following one or two. I had a friend tell me I was wasting my time, no one would read. After that comment, I became even more determined to do that blog. And I did.
Turns out, that person was right. No one read it. Not even my friends, those people who are supposed to be supportive of you. Not one view in two months. So, I gave up. I really wasn't having fun doing it anyway. Not like this blog. I'm loving this one. And I think it shows in my writing, just how much I love this subject matter.
I'm rambling now, so this is where I will wrap things up. I want to say to you, my readers, never let anyone tell you that you could not accomplish something. Put your heart and mind into it. You can do it. Life is too short to worry about failure. Do it. Go for it. Try. If you fail, keep trying. If you fall off your bike, you don't just put it away, do you? Nope. You get back on and try. Life is the same as riding a bike. You need to keep trying every time you get knocked down. Put your mind to it, you CAN do it!
So, Fuzzy Nation (yes, I still hate that), join me in giving the Negative Nellies, the Debbie Downers, the people who want to kick sand in your face, the ones who never think positive today's Big. F.U.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Fuzzheads, I am in one of those moods today, where EVERYONE pisses me off. I have no room in my life for stupid people, and there are plenty. I also have no room in my life for douche bags, ingrates, selfish bastards, ego maniacs, people who think they know it all and yet they know nothing (Tonya, sound like someone we know? LOL), and intolerant assholes. Those people can just back the fuzz away from me and never try to enter my life. You are not wanted, so scram. It's fun removing these low lives from your own life. Very refreshing.
I let you in on a little personal story yesterday regarding an ex-girlfriend. That story was 100% true. I wouldn't lie to my readers. See, I want my readers to be informed. I bet if a poll was taken today, Big F.U. readers would be more informed than Faux News viewers. I believe in honest reporting, not touting a losing and tired party line. Wait, this isn't about that comedy network, this is about something personal about me. That's right.
Well, readers, I have been busy lately. Busy writing. And I don't mean just the blog. I'm talking about other projects. Projects near and dear to my heart. Projects I have always wanted to try to accomplish, just never did. I have plenty of time on my hands, and figured if I put my mind to it, I'd be able to finally start accomplishing some of these goals.
See, Fuzzy has been out of work for over a year. I'll be out of work two years this summer. No matter how many jobs I apply to, no one seems to want to bring me in for an interview. I can admit to you, my loyal readers, the job search is very disheartening. Job after job. Application after application. And the result, always the same: Thank you for your interest. After further consideration, even though your resume and credentials are impressive, we are going with other candidates that best fit our needs for the position. Thank you and good luck. Okay, I got two words for ya, SUCK IT!
Today's F.U. does not go to these HR people who only look at a piece of paper, or an email, to determine if a job applicant is a good fit or not. Nope. They are only doing their job. As frustrating as it is, I understand. All I can do is keep plugging away. People say something will turn up for you. I've been saying that since June of 2011. Nothing has turned up yet. Sometimes I feel nothing will. But this isn't what I want to talk about today. One day I may tackle these little sayings, these positive quotes of the day, but not today.
There are people out there who love to make others miserable. They love to bring people down. They get a kick out of telling you that you cannot do something, that you will only fail. These people love to be negative all the time. The Fuzz has no time for negativity in my life either.
I ask, what purpose does it serve to tell someone they can never accomplish something? Does it make you feel good? Do you just hate to see someone succeed? Maybe you are afraid that someone's life will be better than yours? You are just pathetic. Misery loves company right? Well, I prefer to be alone.
No one can ever stop me from doing what I want to do, or accomplishing something I have my heart set on. No one but me that is. I've had people tell me doing certain things are a waste of my time, effort, money, and energy. You know what I say back to them? FUZZ YOU!
Last year, I started a different kind of blog. The idea came from a fan forum I had joined, where we had a little fun with movies. The goal was to watch 365 different movies during the year, with special weekly and monthly challenges. So, I decided to document my participation in a blog. Yea, I know, there are 1000's of other blogs out there which do the same. I read a few of them, following one or two. I had a friend tell me I was wasting my time, no one would read. After that comment, I became even more determined to do that blog. And I did.
Turns out, that person was right. No one read it. Not even my friends, those people who are supposed to be supportive of you. Not one view in two months. So, I gave up. I really wasn't having fun doing it anyway. Not like this blog. I'm loving this one. And I think it shows in my writing, just how much I love this subject matter.
I'm rambling now, so this is where I will wrap things up. I want to say to you, my readers, never let anyone tell you that you could not accomplish something. Put your heart and mind into it. You can do it. Life is too short to worry about failure. Do it. Go for it. Try. If you fail, keep trying. If you fall off your bike, you don't just put it away, do you? Nope. You get back on and try. Life is the same as riding a bike. You need to keep trying every time you get knocked down. Put your mind to it, you CAN do it!
So, Fuzzy Nation (yes, I still hate that), join me in giving the Negative Nellies, the Debbie Downers, the people who want to kick sand in your face, the ones who never think positive today's Big. F.U.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Fuzz News: Fair and Balanced Reporting, Unlike Some Others
Women, your day has arrived. Today, a male takes your side in the battle of the sexes. See, The Fuzz (not the cops, relax all you criminals) is fair and balanced, unlike Fox News. BTW, I like that nickname, The Fuzz. Maybe I can call all of you Fuzzheads? Fuzz-a-holics? Members of Fuzzy Nation?
Okay, so, men, women aren't the only ones to blame when it comes time for love failing. Oh no. We are just as guilty. Maybe more so. How, you ask? Dudes, seriously. No man in their right mind can EVER ask how we, the male species, are totally innocent when it comes time for courting, dating, and relationships. Hell, we are partially to blame (society holds the largest amount of blame on this one) for females feeling ugly or unsatisfied with their looks.
I am a man, last time I checked. And it is true, I have no idea what women go through. However, I do have female friends, and believe it or not, females actually do talk about relationship stuff with their male friends. At least mine do. So, while not an expert, I think I have enough knowledge to formulate some kind of idea of what men put you through.
Women, how many times have you met a guy, seems nice, and he turns out to be an asshole? Yea, I know, yesterday I ranted about how women love that. But, read it again. I said SOME women love it. All women have dated an asshole in their lives, just like all men have once been with a witch of a woman. But, not ALL women love asshole guys. Anyway, you think this guy is the one. He showers you with compliments, he buys you gifts, he cooks you dinner. He makes everything about you. Then, all he looks for is sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. The dates to restaurants turn into take out from Chinese fast food just so he doesn't have to wait 10 extra minutes for the booty. The gifts stop coming. The phone calls decrease. And you are left wondering what you did wrong.
Or, how about you meet a guy in a bar (first mistake LOL). You think he is hot stuff. So, you leave with him that night. He makes you think you are the world. And you sleep with him. During the night he leaves. And you never hear from him again.
Maybe you are dating a guy, things get serious. You are in love with each other and get married. Along come Little Jimmy. "You are such a cute family," everyone says. Then, the phone calls from work: "Honey, yea I have a business meeting. I will be home late." Or maybe "Yea the company is sending me on a business trip. Probably two or three day conference." Ever wonder what is really going on?
Men, a lot of us are dogs. That is true. A lot of us are nice guys though. But, I'm not here to discuss the nice guys. I am after the dogs who give us all a bad name. The actions of the asshole guy has an affect on how a woman thinks, acts, and basically, trusts. Is it any wonder that some women we meet are fragile in the mind? Or have low self esteem? Or are so afraid you are going to be an asshole like the other 10 jerks she dated, that she doesn't even give you a chance and pushes you away? Yea, it happens. Happens every day. And who is to blame? Not the women. No, it is the men.
See, men look at outer beauty (though plenty of women do the same thing, strictly judging by the outside attractiveness, damn the inner beauty). Men look at women, such as Britney Spears, and say 'I want that!" Yea, well, wake up call: YOU AREN'T GETTING BRITNEY SPEARS. A lot of men look at the body build of a female and make a judgement on that alone. Is it wrong? I think so. But, it happens to be a fact of life. Before I am scolded, yes, I know, the first thing you notice about someone is their looks. Well, looks also are a tell tale sign of who is an asshole and who isn't. Guys who try to look like the douchebags from Jersey Shore, yea, they are DOGS. Guys who try to dress nice and not overly impress, well, they just might be the keeper.
So, what are women to do? Women get wrapped up in their looks, afraid they aren't pretty enough, afraid their body isn't built like Britney or Jennifer Lawrence. Women start thinking they need to become that image men create in their fantasy. Women try to become the thing that they really aren't. And it is all because of men making females feel inadequate.
I have a friend, and this time we shall call her Stacey. She is a prime example of what I am describing. She has given up on relationships. And why? Cause of her guy. She started dating this guy several years ago. Was extremely happy. Well, he wound up having to go to another state for his job. So, they were separated. While he was away from her, all he did was find way to cheat/ He joined dating sites. He put ads out there on craigslist. He created different email addresses, ones Stacey didn't have access to. Just so he can hide his cheating.
One day, she found out. He slipped up. She was devastated and did the right thing: she broke it off. But, what happened after is a prime example of why sometimes men cannot find a decent woman. he blamed HER for everything. How dare you find my hidden email accounts. How dare you check up on me. Yea, I was exchanging naked pictures with other women, but YOU FOUND THEM SO THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! I mean, he down right told her he was sleeping with other girls but somehow she was to blame cause she caught him. Yes, he mentally abused her. So today? Well, she no longer trusts men. she doesn't think there are any good guys out there. All because of her experience with a douche bag.
I have another friend who has had her share of relationships. And each one has ended with her deeply hurt and heart broken. We'll call this one Amber. How did all her relationships end you ask? Well, each guy, after dating her for months sometimes a year or two, left her because she wasn't what they were looking for in the looks department. Um, wouldn't you know this from, you know, the minute you meet her? Today, she is a wreck. Always worried about the food she eats. Or how she will dress. She hates going out now because she is worried people will laugh at her. These men have messed with her mind. And when a guy does show honest interest, she shuns him for fear of getting hurt again.
And, The Fuzz is going to make a confession. Yea, I am a nice guy. I have learned from the mistakes of my youth. And, well, I have even done some douche bag things in my younger days. And, I admit, I hurt a girl I was dating. Broke her heart into a million pieces. We are still friends today, and I am thankful for that. But, that doesn't take away from the stupidity of my actions back when we were dating.
See, one summer day, my girlfriend at the time, um, we'll name her Candice, was having a party with her family. it was a celebration of her graduation. I was invited. However, the party was the same day of a baseball game I had. I was coaching little children (8-9 age range) and we were playing for first place. So, I told Candice that I would be there after the game. But, she didn't accept that. She wanted me there all day. I can totally understand her feelings. But, me, being young, probably dumb, told her I couldn't let the kids down, that I had to be there for them, that I made a commitment to them, and couldn't back out. And, I am a believer in not backing out of commitments. I won't talk about that now, getting off the subject.
After several discussions, and trying to get her to see my way, I gave up. Candice was holding steadfast in her belief that I should drop the kids, forget the game, and be there to celebrate her graduation. I, on the other hand, refused to budge on my commitment to the kids I coached. She felt I was her boyfriend, she should come first, and I should be there to celebrate a major achievement in her life. I felt, I worked hard with these kids to get them to this point of winning the championship, that I shouldn't leave them now. I was going to be there for her, just not from the beginning of the party.
Well, longer story made shorter, she broke it off with me over that decision. And as such, I lost a really great girl. Over a baseball game, which, if memory serves (and in my old age, I still serves me well) we lost. So, I lost twice that day: the game and my girlfriend. And as I said, we are still friends, and we give each other a ribbing over this from time to time, but, that doesn't mean what happened should be taken lightly or as a joke. It is part of what I am ranting on today, how men treat women, and then we wonder why women don't trust us, or flock to a certain type of guy, or whatever it is women to that is in direct response to how men have treated them in the past. I learned from my mistakes. Most men don't.
So, men, see, you are part of the problem. You shallow, egotistical douche bags! If you stopped looking for your image of a fantasy girl (hint: THEY DON'T FREAKING EXIST, THIS ISN'T HOLLYWOOD), then maybe relationships, or at least the act of courting, won;t come with all the extra complications. Meeting someone is hard enough. Why do we need to make it harder on ourselves by looking for something that is a creation of movie magic and not the creation of whatever holy being you choose to worship, or maybe evolution?
Women, it is time. I stand by you, middle finger in the air, and I am screaming along with you: douche bag dudes, today, you get the big F.U.
Cause you really do ruin it for the rest of us REAL MEN out there.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Okay, so, men, women aren't the only ones to blame when it comes time for love failing. Oh no. We are just as guilty. Maybe more so. How, you ask? Dudes, seriously. No man in their right mind can EVER ask how we, the male species, are totally innocent when it comes time for courting, dating, and relationships. Hell, we are partially to blame (society holds the largest amount of blame on this one) for females feeling ugly or unsatisfied with their looks.
I am a man, last time I checked. And it is true, I have no idea what women go through. However, I do have female friends, and believe it or not, females actually do talk about relationship stuff with their male friends. At least mine do. So, while not an expert, I think I have enough knowledge to formulate some kind of idea of what men put you through.
Women, how many times have you met a guy, seems nice, and he turns out to be an asshole? Yea, I know, yesterday I ranted about how women love that. But, read it again. I said SOME women love it. All women have dated an asshole in their lives, just like all men have once been with a witch of a woman. But, not ALL women love asshole guys. Anyway, you think this guy is the one. He showers you with compliments, he buys you gifts, he cooks you dinner. He makes everything about you. Then, all he looks for is sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. The dates to restaurants turn into take out from Chinese fast food just so he doesn't have to wait 10 extra minutes for the booty. The gifts stop coming. The phone calls decrease. And you are left wondering what you did wrong.
Or, how about you meet a guy in a bar (first mistake LOL). You think he is hot stuff. So, you leave with him that night. He makes you think you are the world. And you sleep with him. During the night he leaves. And you never hear from him again.
Maybe you are dating a guy, things get serious. You are in love with each other and get married. Along come Little Jimmy. "You are such a cute family," everyone says. Then, the phone calls from work: "Honey, yea I have a business meeting. I will be home late." Or maybe "Yea the company is sending me on a business trip. Probably two or three day conference." Ever wonder what is really going on?
Men, a lot of us are dogs. That is true. A lot of us are nice guys though. But, I'm not here to discuss the nice guys. I am after the dogs who give us all a bad name. The actions of the asshole guy has an affect on how a woman thinks, acts, and basically, trusts. Is it any wonder that some women we meet are fragile in the mind? Or have low self esteem? Or are so afraid you are going to be an asshole like the other 10 jerks she dated, that she doesn't even give you a chance and pushes you away? Yea, it happens. Happens every day. And who is to blame? Not the women. No, it is the men.
See, men look at outer beauty (though plenty of women do the same thing, strictly judging by the outside attractiveness, damn the inner beauty). Men look at women, such as Britney Spears, and say 'I want that!" Yea, well, wake up call: YOU AREN'T GETTING BRITNEY SPEARS. A lot of men look at the body build of a female and make a judgement on that alone. Is it wrong? I think so. But, it happens to be a fact of life. Before I am scolded, yes, I know, the first thing you notice about someone is their looks. Well, looks also are a tell tale sign of who is an asshole and who isn't. Guys who try to look like the douchebags from Jersey Shore, yea, they are DOGS. Guys who try to dress nice and not overly impress, well, they just might be the keeper.
So, what are women to do? Women get wrapped up in their looks, afraid they aren't pretty enough, afraid their body isn't built like Britney or Jennifer Lawrence. Women start thinking they need to become that image men create in their fantasy. Women try to become the thing that they really aren't. And it is all because of men making females feel inadequate.
I have a friend, and this time we shall call her Stacey. She is a prime example of what I am describing. She has given up on relationships. And why? Cause of her guy. She started dating this guy several years ago. Was extremely happy. Well, he wound up having to go to another state for his job. So, they were separated. While he was away from her, all he did was find way to cheat/ He joined dating sites. He put ads out there on craigslist. He created different email addresses, ones Stacey didn't have access to. Just so he can hide his cheating.
One day, she found out. He slipped up. She was devastated and did the right thing: she broke it off. But, what happened after is a prime example of why sometimes men cannot find a decent woman. he blamed HER for everything. How dare you find my hidden email accounts. How dare you check up on me. Yea, I was exchanging naked pictures with other women, but YOU FOUND THEM SO THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! I mean, he down right told her he was sleeping with other girls but somehow she was to blame cause she caught him. Yes, he mentally abused her. So today? Well, she no longer trusts men. she doesn't think there are any good guys out there. All because of her experience with a douche bag.
I have another friend who has had her share of relationships. And each one has ended with her deeply hurt and heart broken. We'll call this one Amber. How did all her relationships end you ask? Well, each guy, after dating her for months sometimes a year or two, left her because she wasn't what they were looking for in the looks department. Um, wouldn't you know this from, you know, the minute you meet her? Today, she is a wreck. Always worried about the food she eats. Or how she will dress. She hates going out now because she is worried people will laugh at her. These men have messed with her mind. And when a guy does show honest interest, she shuns him for fear of getting hurt again.
And, The Fuzz is going to make a confession. Yea, I am a nice guy. I have learned from the mistakes of my youth. And, well, I have even done some douche bag things in my younger days. And, I admit, I hurt a girl I was dating. Broke her heart into a million pieces. We are still friends today, and I am thankful for that. But, that doesn't take away from the stupidity of my actions back when we were dating.
See, one summer day, my girlfriend at the time, um, we'll name her Candice, was having a party with her family. it was a celebration of her graduation. I was invited. However, the party was the same day of a baseball game I had. I was coaching little children (8-9 age range) and we were playing for first place. So, I told Candice that I would be there after the game. But, she didn't accept that. She wanted me there all day. I can totally understand her feelings. But, me, being young, probably dumb, told her I couldn't let the kids down, that I had to be there for them, that I made a commitment to them, and couldn't back out. And, I am a believer in not backing out of commitments. I won't talk about that now, getting off the subject.
After several discussions, and trying to get her to see my way, I gave up. Candice was holding steadfast in her belief that I should drop the kids, forget the game, and be there to celebrate her graduation. I, on the other hand, refused to budge on my commitment to the kids I coached. She felt I was her boyfriend, she should come first, and I should be there to celebrate a major achievement in her life. I felt, I worked hard with these kids to get them to this point of winning the championship, that I shouldn't leave them now. I was going to be there for her, just not from the beginning of the party.
Well, longer story made shorter, she broke it off with me over that decision. And as such, I lost a really great girl. Over a baseball game, which, if memory serves (and in my old age, I still serves me well) we lost. So, I lost twice that day: the game and my girlfriend. And as I said, we are still friends, and we give each other a ribbing over this from time to time, but, that doesn't mean what happened should be taken lightly or as a joke. It is part of what I am ranting on today, how men treat women, and then we wonder why women don't trust us, or flock to a certain type of guy, or whatever it is women to that is in direct response to how men have treated them in the past. I learned from my mistakes. Most men don't.
So, men, see, you are part of the problem. You shallow, egotistical douche bags! If you stopped looking for your image of a fantasy girl (hint: THEY DON'T FREAKING EXIST, THIS ISN'T HOLLYWOOD), then maybe relationships, or at least the act of courting, won;t come with all the extra complications. Meeting someone is hard enough. Why do we need to make it harder on ourselves by looking for something that is a creation of movie magic and not the creation of whatever holy being you choose to worship, or maybe evolution?
Women, it is time. I stand by you, middle finger in the air, and I am screaming along with you: douche bag dudes, today, you get the big F.U.
Cause you really do ruin it for the rest of us REAL MEN out there.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
The Friend Zone
There is a sixth dimension, one that is occupied only by males. It is a dimension that's lonely and occupied by similar souls. This dimension is not a middle ground, does not lie between love and hate, but does lie between a man's quest for love and desire for affection. This dimension is of woman's creation. It is an area they call "The Friend Zone."
Apologizes to Rod Sterling for that introduction. But, it gets to the point of today's F.U. rant. So, men, this one is for those of us who have been sent to this dreaded zone. And if you've never been sent there, pay attention, cause one day, it can happen to you.
Men, ever walk into a bar, maybe a club, and see a girl who catches your eyes? You are eyeing her, she is eyeing you. And you figure, green light! So, you make your move. You buy her a drink, she accepts. The two of you talk, maybe dance, have a few more drinks. At the end of the night, you take her home, walk her to her door, and phone numbers are exchanged. You hang out a few times, and you are really liking this girl. So, one day, you decide to make a move. Maybe you try kissing her. or maybe you bring up the subject of dating. And she turns you down. She says you are just a friend, that she doesn't like you in that way. Feeling stupid, and rejected, you accept that and forget about the fact you ever made that move. And you keep her around as a friend because you really enjoy her company. But, in the back of your mind, you know you have been put into the FRIEND ZONE.
Or how about this scene, which is fits today's computer aged society. You meet a girl online. Emails are exchanged, then pictures, and finally phone numbers. The girl is attractive, at least to you, and you are excited about meeting her. So, you make a date and all goes well. Then one night, while talking to her, she tells you about a guy she just met and how hot he is and how gorgeous his car is, how he has a high paying job, and is worth a lot of money. She is madly in love. The only reaction you can have is: good luck with him. You've just been put in the FRIEND ZONE.
But, that's not all. How many times, over the course of your friendship with either girl from above, does the girl whine and moan and cry to you, saying over and over how she cannot find a nice guy? Probably more times than you care to remember. And how many times do you want to pop your ear drums just to stop hearing the whining?
I'll let you in on something that happened to me. I met this girl, we'll call her Allison, through a working relationship. Her company cleared the work my company would process. Her job was as customer service representative. If there was a problem on my side of the work equation, I would have to call her department for assistance. One day, I had an issue and called. She answered and helped me out with the issue. From there, her and I started emailing at work (probably not the smartest thing to do since corporate emails are monitored, but we weren't saying anything private or dirty). We exchanged pictures (via personal email this time). And instantly I thought the girl was gorgeous. She was (and still is) beautiful. I developed a major interest in her. But, I kept it professional at work.
However, she was asking me a lot of personal questions. They were questions you'd ask someone you were interested in. The consensus between my friends and I was she liked me. With that, we made plans to meet one day after work for some drinks. Which, we did.
There is a restaurant/bar in the building where my office is located. We met there. I ordered her a drink, and we took a seat at a table. And we talked, and talked, and laughed, and talked. The two of us hit it off. I thought something may have been developing, but still, had to take things slow because I don't like to force things to happen. Unless I am given the green light, then all bets are off.
So, there we are, having a few drinks, laughing, sharing stories. And then she had to leave to get home to her daughter. We decided to meet up on Friday after work, where she didn't have to worry about getting home early since the daughter was to be with her father (she was a single mom but her and the father shared custody of the daughter).
Friday comes and sure enough, she shows up to the restaurant/bar to meet me. We take a seat at the same table actually, and once again, we have a few drinks. This time, she meets my co-workers. And we all hang out in a group. The night was getting late, she was getting tired, and said she wanted to leave. I was beat by that time, and said I'd leave with her. We live in the same town, and I figured we could travel together. She accepted. I dropped her off at her house with a promise we would talk over the weekend.
Monday rolls around. I get an email from her apologizing for not calling me. I said it was no big deal, things happen. She then proceeds to ask me about one of the guys I work with. This line of questioning took me by surprise. Why would she be asking me about a guy I worked with? Weren't her and I hitting it off? I thought so.
Anyway, the guy she was asking me about, we'll call him Dean, was a major player. And yet, the girls loved him. He had a following no matter where he went. Females just gravitated toward him. He had a choice of any female he wanted, any day of the week, any night he wanted some female companionship. All he had to do was snap his fingers and a girl was there to give herself to him. So, I'm in a bind. Do I tell her the truth about him, and risk sounding jealous? Or do I lie, and risk losing her to this guy? So, I told her something in the middle of the truth and a lie.
Anyway, to get to the point. Fuzzy was out. Dean was in. And he was in in a big way. Once again, Fuzzy lost the girl. And once again, Dean got the girl he wanted. Yes, Fuzzy was a pissed off male at that point. But, also as part of my character, I remained this girl's friend. Once I saw I lost her, I figured nothing more to lose, so I told her the truth about him, By then, too late. She was charmed and blinded by this guy, so she didn't believe me.
Of course, until, he cheated on her. She caught him only once, but I'm sure he cheated on her any chance he got. That was the kind of guy he was. Yes, he was an asshole. Like I said, though, she was charmed and enchanted by him. And, as predicted, she called me crying, "Why can't I find a nice guy? I always find the assholes. Just once I want to find a nice guy who will like me for me, treat me right, and not cheat on me."
Um, hello Allison, you DID meet that guy. That guy was me. And you tossed me into that dreaded FRIEND ZONE. You allowed yourself to be charmed by a dog. So, no, I didn't feel bad for you. I was just annoyed that I had to listen to your whining about always going for the assholes.
And why is it that females are attracted to assholes? Do women really love to be treated like a pile of dog excrement? Is it really in their genetic make up to want to be treated like a piece of raw meat? To be chewed up and spit out when the guy is finished with you? I never understood why you ladies pass up the nice guys and always go for those bozos with the slicked back hair, or gelled spike cuts, shirts unbuttoned to their frigging stomach, and twenty gold chains around their neck. That should be a warning sign, not an invitation to your neden! (Don't know what a neden is? Listen to Insane Clown Posse and you'll know real quick).
I should say, in fairness, not ALL women are like this. There are some women out there who do appreciate a good guy. Though, I will say, every woman HAS been this way at least once in her life, going for the asshole/bad boy while pushing a nice guy to the FRIEND ZONE. Some women mature and realize the nice guy is the best guy. Other women? Well, they never grow up to appreciate nice guys. Maybe lack of self esteem? Who knows. Personally, I don't care. You bring it on yourselves, so stop whining about finding only assholes and dogs. You gravitate toward them because YOU WANT TO BE TREATED LIKE CRAP!
How many hearts of good guys have been broken and crushed because the girl was, at one time, blinded and charmed by the asshole? How many men refuse to even get into relationships now because of past experiences? And how many nice guys became assholes because, let's face it, women are attracted to them?
So men, join me in giving these females who only go for assholes while pushing nice guys into the friend zone, then bitch that they can't find a nice guy (UM YOU HAVE ONE RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE!!!!) the Big F.U.
And women, don't worry. Men are just as guilty. There will be a future rant against such men. Yes, I am an equal opportunity F.U. disher. So men, beware. I'm coming after you as well.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Apologizes to Rod Sterling for that introduction. But, it gets to the point of today's F.U. rant. So, men, this one is for those of us who have been sent to this dreaded zone. And if you've never been sent there, pay attention, cause one day, it can happen to you.
Men, ever walk into a bar, maybe a club, and see a girl who catches your eyes? You are eyeing her, she is eyeing you. And you figure, green light! So, you make your move. You buy her a drink, she accepts. The two of you talk, maybe dance, have a few more drinks. At the end of the night, you take her home, walk her to her door, and phone numbers are exchanged. You hang out a few times, and you are really liking this girl. So, one day, you decide to make a move. Maybe you try kissing her. or maybe you bring up the subject of dating. And she turns you down. She says you are just a friend, that she doesn't like you in that way. Feeling stupid, and rejected, you accept that and forget about the fact you ever made that move. And you keep her around as a friend because you really enjoy her company. But, in the back of your mind, you know you have been put into the FRIEND ZONE.
Or how about this scene, which is fits today's computer aged society. You meet a girl online. Emails are exchanged, then pictures, and finally phone numbers. The girl is attractive, at least to you, and you are excited about meeting her. So, you make a date and all goes well. Then one night, while talking to her, she tells you about a guy she just met and how hot he is and how gorgeous his car is, how he has a high paying job, and is worth a lot of money. She is madly in love. The only reaction you can have is: good luck with him. You've just been put in the FRIEND ZONE.
But, that's not all. How many times, over the course of your friendship with either girl from above, does the girl whine and moan and cry to you, saying over and over how she cannot find a nice guy? Probably more times than you care to remember. And how many times do you want to pop your ear drums just to stop hearing the whining?
I'll let you in on something that happened to me. I met this girl, we'll call her Allison, through a working relationship. Her company cleared the work my company would process. Her job was as customer service representative. If there was a problem on my side of the work equation, I would have to call her department for assistance. One day, I had an issue and called. She answered and helped me out with the issue. From there, her and I started emailing at work (probably not the smartest thing to do since corporate emails are monitored, but we weren't saying anything private or dirty). We exchanged pictures (via personal email this time). And instantly I thought the girl was gorgeous. She was (and still is) beautiful. I developed a major interest in her. But, I kept it professional at work.
However, she was asking me a lot of personal questions. They were questions you'd ask someone you were interested in. The consensus between my friends and I was she liked me. With that, we made plans to meet one day after work for some drinks. Which, we did.
There is a restaurant/bar in the building where my office is located. We met there. I ordered her a drink, and we took a seat at a table. And we talked, and talked, and laughed, and talked. The two of us hit it off. I thought something may have been developing, but still, had to take things slow because I don't like to force things to happen. Unless I am given the green light, then all bets are off.
So, there we are, having a few drinks, laughing, sharing stories. And then she had to leave to get home to her daughter. We decided to meet up on Friday after work, where she didn't have to worry about getting home early since the daughter was to be with her father (she was a single mom but her and the father shared custody of the daughter).
Friday comes and sure enough, she shows up to the restaurant/bar to meet me. We take a seat at the same table actually, and once again, we have a few drinks. This time, she meets my co-workers. And we all hang out in a group. The night was getting late, she was getting tired, and said she wanted to leave. I was beat by that time, and said I'd leave with her. We live in the same town, and I figured we could travel together. She accepted. I dropped her off at her house with a promise we would talk over the weekend.
Monday rolls around. I get an email from her apologizing for not calling me. I said it was no big deal, things happen. She then proceeds to ask me about one of the guys I work with. This line of questioning took me by surprise. Why would she be asking me about a guy I worked with? Weren't her and I hitting it off? I thought so.
Anyway, the guy she was asking me about, we'll call him Dean, was a major player. And yet, the girls loved him. He had a following no matter where he went. Females just gravitated toward him. He had a choice of any female he wanted, any day of the week, any night he wanted some female companionship. All he had to do was snap his fingers and a girl was there to give herself to him. So, I'm in a bind. Do I tell her the truth about him, and risk sounding jealous? Or do I lie, and risk losing her to this guy? So, I told her something in the middle of the truth and a lie.
Anyway, to get to the point. Fuzzy was out. Dean was in. And he was in in a big way. Once again, Fuzzy lost the girl. And once again, Dean got the girl he wanted. Yes, Fuzzy was a pissed off male at that point. But, also as part of my character, I remained this girl's friend. Once I saw I lost her, I figured nothing more to lose, so I told her the truth about him, By then, too late. She was charmed and blinded by this guy, so she didn't believe me.
Of course, until, he cheated on her. She caught him only once, but I'm sure he cheated on her any chance he got. That was the kind of guy he was. Yes, he was an asshole. Like I said, though, she was charmed and enchanted by him. And, as predicted, she called me crying, "Why can't I find a nice guy? I always find the assholes. Just once I want to find a nice guy who will like me for me, treat me right, and not cheat on me."
Um, hello Allison, you DID meet that guy. That guy was me. And you tossed me into that dreaded FRIEND ZONE. You allowed yourself to be charmed by a dog. So, no, I didn't feel bad for you. I was just annoyed that I had to listen to your whining about always going for the assholes.
And why is it that females are attracted to assholes? Do women really love to be treated like a pile of dog excrement? Is it really in their genetic make up to want to be treated like a piece of raw meat? To be chewed up and spit out when the guy is finished with you? I never understood why you ladies pass up the nice guys and always go for those bozos with the slicked back hair, or gelled spike cuts, shirts unbuttoned to their frigging stomach, and twenty gold chains around their neck. That should be a warning sign, not an invitation to your neden! (Don't know what a neden is? Listen to Insane Clown Posse and you'll know real quick).
I should say, in fairness, not ALL women are like this. There are some women out there who do appreciate a good guy. Though, I will say, every woman HAS been this way at least once in her life, going for the asshole/bad boy while pushing a nice guy to the FRIEND ZONE. Some women mature and realize the nice guy is the best guy. Other women? Well, they never grow up to appreciate nice guys. Maybe lack of self esteem? Who knows. Personally, I don't care. You bring it on yourselves, so stop whining about finding only assholes and dogs. You gravitate toward them because YOU WANT TO BE TREATED LIKE CRAP!
How many hearts of good guys have been broken and crushed because the girl was, at one time, blinded and charmed by the asshole? How many men refuse to even get into relationships now because of past experiences? And how many nice guys became assholes because, let's face it, women are attracted to them?
So men, join me in giving these females who only go for assholes while pushing nice guys into the friend zone, then bitch that they can't find a nice guy (UM YOU HAVE ONE RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE!!!!) the Big F.U.
And women, don't worry. Men are just as guilty. There will be a future rant against such men. Yes, I am an equal opportunity F.U. disher. So men, beware. I'm coming after you as well.
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Golden Globe Monday: Who Gets the Big F.U.?
Sorry for the delay in getting my article out. I had some personal issues to attend to this morning and early afternoon, coupled with a very important phone call at 2:00 EST.
Today is a special Golden Globes post. Yea, I know, you are probably sick of hearing about the who won, who lost, Jodie Foster's coming out party, and who wore what dress. But no one could ever get tired of a huge dish out of some F.U. Can they?
First, I want to ask, who cares about the red carpet nonsense? I sure don't. Why should I care what the stars are wearing? All the red carpet does is allow dress designers a chance to flaunt their talents. Well congratulations. You are great at your job. Shouldn't that be a criteria? You know, being good at your job? Awesome, now people know who you are. Those are the same middle class people who probably couldn't afford the outrageous price tags on your clothes anyway.
Now, am I going to spend time bashing the stars for wearing expensive dresses that may or may not have looked good on them? No way. That isn't my job. Nor do I care. I am not a fashion critic. I will, however, say this. Why is it important? Why do people need to find the time to bash the way a celebrity has dressed for an evening of patting each other on the backs for a job well done in their art? I mean, do people really expect these stars to arrive at a gala such as an awards ceremony dressed in a tee shirt, shorts, and sandals? I know I don't, though it would be pretty cool to see.
These artists get together during awards season and celebrate accomplishments in their industry, which happens to be an artistic industry. And yet, people find the need to bash the awards. Does your life get better if your favorite actor or actress does not win an award? Do you make money from it? No. The only one who benefits is the star. So, why do people care so much? Get over it. Everyone is a critic today. Geez.
The only issue I really had with last night's award ceremony is Jodie Foster's speech went on way too long. At one point, I felt as if she was just rambling about nothing at all. Jodie, you are a tremendous actress, I will never take that away from you. I have enjoyed many of your films. But, there had to come a point last night where someone should have told her to shut up. Jodie, congratulations on the award. Well deserved. But your speech should have been five minutes shorter.
Oh, and getting back to a subject from last week: does anyone else think last night was a paparazzi wet dream?
Ok, on to the winners. I will only discuss the ones I that I can talk about. I haven't seen all the movies that were nominated and won. I'll do my best:
Motion Picture, Drama: Argo
Motion Picture, Comedy or Musical: Les Misérables
Actor in Motion Picture, Drama: Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln
Actress in Motion Picture, Drama: Jessica Chastain, Zero Dark Thirty
Actor in Motion Picture, Comedy or Musical: Hugh Jackman, Les Misérables
Actress in a Motion Picture, Comedy or Musical: Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook
Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture: Christoph Waltz, Django Unchained
Supporting Actress in Motion Picture: Anne Hathaway, Les Misérables
Director, Motion Picture: Ben Affleck, Argo
Screenplay, Motion Picture: Quentin Tarantino, Django Unchained
Foreign Language Film: Amour (Austria)
Animated Feature Film: Brave
Original Score, Motion Picture: Mychael Danna, Life of Pi
Original Song, Motion Picture: "Skyfall," Skyfall, Adele & Paul Epworth
TV Series, Drama: Homeland
TV Series, Comedy: Girls
TV Movie or Miniseries: Game Change
Actor in a TV Series, Drama: Damian Lewis, Homeland
Actress in a TV Series, Drama: Claire Danes, Homeland
Actor in a TV Series, Comedy: Don Cheadle, House of Lies
Actress in a TV Series, Comedy: Lena Dunham, Girls
Actor in a Miniseries or TV Movie: Kevin Costner, Hatfields & McCoys
Actress in a Miniseries or TV Movie: Julianne Moore, Game Change
Supporting Actor in a Series, Miniseries or TV Movie: Ed Harris, Game Change
Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or TV Movie: Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey
Cecil B. DeMille Award: Jodie Foster
I'm glad Argo won Motion Picture. Argo was a great film and one I recommend everyone go see. Lincoln was good as well, but Argo was better. I haven't seen Les Miserables to date. I guess I'll be waiting until Blu Ray/DVD release. Christoph Waltz is one heck of an actor. Glad he got the recognition. I'm also a fan of Anne Hathaway, so glad she won an award as well. Ben Affleck deserved Best Director, and he should be up for an Oscar in the same category. Shame he isn't. And Quentin Tarantino, huge fan of his. Love his movies. So happy he walks away with an award and that Django Unchained was recognized.
As for TV Comedy, I am not familiar with Girls. Is it funnier and better than The Big Bang Theory? Ok, maybe I am prejudiced but Big Bang Theory is the best comedy on TV, cable TV included, unless you want to classify any Fox News programming as comedy. And Jennifer Lawrence, girl, you are a tremendous talent. Please, don't blow it. You have a great career ahead of you. I love your work, thanks to Hunger Games and X-Men: First Class. Keep it up girl!
So, who gets the Big F.U. today? Well, I have to dish it out to the critics. I have to give it to those who want to bash the stars for how they looked. I have to say F.U. to those who call the awards ceremonies an ego trip of epic proportions. Let's face it people, all industries have an awards ceremony to recognize achievement in that industry. ESPN's may be a major joke (the ESPY, really?). But, regardless, why should celebrities get dragged through hell for celebrating winners in their field? Cause they are rich and famous? Get over it. These people deserve to be recognized for being the best of their field.
So, critics (fashion critics, the couch potato critic, all critics in general) you all get the big F.U. today.
Oh and to the winners, you all get a Borat Thumbs Up:
Today is a special Golden Globes post. Yea, I know, you are probably sick of hearing about the who won, who lost, Jodie Foster's coming out party, and who wore what dress. But no one could ever get tired of a huge dish out of some F.U. Can they?
First, I want to ask, who cares about the red carpet nonsense? I sure don't. Why should I care what the stars are wearing? All the red carpet does is allow dress designers a chance to flaunt their talents. Well congratulations. You are great at your job. Shouldn't that be a criteria? You know, being good at your job? Awesome, now people know who you are. Those are the same middle class people who probably couldn't afford the outrageous price tags on your clothes anyway.
Now, am I going to spend time bashing the stars for wearing expensive dresses that may or may not have looked good on them? No way. That isn't my job. Nor do I care. I am not a fashion critic. I will, however, say this. Why is it important? Why do people need to find the time to bash the way a celebrity has dressed for an evening of patting each other on the backs for a job well done in their art? I mean, do people really expect these stars to arrive at a gala such as an awards ceremony dressed in a tee shirt, shorts, and sandals? I know I don't, though it would be pretty cool to see.
These artists get together during awards season and celebrate accomplishments in their industry, which happens to be an artistic industry. And yet, people find the need to bash the awards. Does your life get better if your favorite actor or actress does not win an award? Do you make money from it? No. The only one who benefits is the star. So, why do people care so much? Get over it. Everyone is a critic today. Geez.
The only issue I really had with last night's award ceremony is Jodie Foster's speech went on way too long. At one point, I felt as if she was just rambling about nothing at all. Jodie, you are a tremendous actress, I will never take that away from you. I have enjoyed many of your films. But, there had to come a point last night where someone should have told her to shut up. Jodie, congratulations on the award. Well deserved. But your speech should have been five minutes shorter.
Oh, and getting back to a subject from last week: does anyone else think last night was a paparazzi wet dream?
Ok, on to the winners. I will only discuss the ones I that I can talk about. I haven't seen all the movies that were nominated and won. I'll do my best:
Motion Picture, Drama: Argo
Motion Picture, Comedy or Musical: Les Misérables
Actor in Motion Picture, Drama: Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln
Actress in Motion Picture, Drama: Jessica Chastain, Zero Dark Thirty
Actor in Motion Picture, Comedy or Musical: Hugh Jackman, Les Misérables
Actress in a Motion Picture, Comedy or Musical: Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook
Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture: Christoph Waltz, Django Unchained
Supporting Actress in Motion Picture: Anne Hathaway, Les Misérables
Director, Motion Picture: Ben Affleck, Argo
Screenplay, Motion Picture: Quentin Tarantino, Django Unchained
Foreign Language Film: Amour (Austria)
Animated Feature Film: Brave
Original Score, Motion Picture: Mychael Danna, Life of Pi
Original Song, Motion Picture: "Skyfall," Skyfall, Adele & Paul Epworth
TV Series, Drama: Homeland
TV Series, Comedy: Girls
TV Movie or Miniseries: Game Change
Actor in a TV Series, Drama: Damian Lewis, Homeland
Actress in a TV Series, Drama: Claire Danes, Homeland
Actor in a TV Series, Comedy: Don Cheadle, House of Lies
Actress in a TV Series, Comedy: Lena Dunham, Girls
Actor in a Miniseries or TV Movie: Kevin Costner, Hatfields & McCoys
Actress in a Miniseries or TV Movie: Julianne Moore, Game Change
Supporting Actor in a Series, Miniseries or TV Movie: Ed Harris, Game Change
Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or TV Movie: Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey
Cecil B. DeMille Award: Jodie Foster
I'm glad Argo won Motion Picture. Argo was a great film and one I recommend everyone go see. Lincoln was good as well, but Argo was better. I haven't seen Les Miserables to date. I guess I'll be waiting until Blu Ray/DVD release. Christoph Waltz is one heck of an actor. Glad he got the recognition. I'm also a fan of Anne Hathaway, so glad she won an award as well. Ben Affleck deserved Best Director, and he should be up for an Oscar in the same category. Shame he isn't. And Quentin Tarantino, huge fan of his. Love his movies. So happy he walks away with an award and that Django Unchained was recognized.
As for TV Comedy, I am not familiar with Girls. Is it funnier and better than The Big Bang Theory? Ok, maybe I am prejudiced but Big Bang Theory is the best comedy on TV, cable TV included, unless you want to classify any Fox News programming as comedy. And Jennifer Lawrence, girl, you are a tremendous talent. Please, don't blow it. You have a great career ahead of you. I love your work, thanks to Hunger Games and X-Men: First Class. Keep it up girl!
So, who gets the Big F.U. today? Well, I have to dish it out to the critics. I have to give it to those who want to bash the stars for how they looked. I have to say F.U. to those who call the awards ceremonies an ego trip of epic proportions. Let's face it people, all industries have an awards ceremony to recognize achievement in that industry. ESPN's may be a major joke (the ESPY, really?). But, regardless, why should celebrities get dragged through hell for celebrating winners in their field? Cause they are rich and famous? Get over it. These people deserve to be recognized for being the best of their field.
So, critics (fashion critics, the couch potato critic, all critics in general) you all get the big F.U. today.
Oh and to the winners, you all get a Borat Thumbs Up:
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find
us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
Friday, January 11, 2013
A Change of Pace for the F.U. Ace
Greetings fellow FU'ers (we really do need a name for all of you. FU'ers, I don't know about that. We'll work on something). Today is Friday, weekend is approaching quicker than a cop to the ghetto. I'm going to get complaints about that comment. But, you know what I say. Don't like it, then here is the Big F.U.
I thought I'd do something a little different for Fridays. I thought to myself "Self, you dish dish out the Big F.U. every day, weekends excluded. Even you need a weekend break. Well, why don't you do something different on Fridays?" But what? What could I do that wouldn't tarnish this image I have? So, I thought. And thought. And thought. And then, it struck me while in the bathroom (why do all my great ideas come to be when I'm on the toilet?). Instead of dishing out F.U.s on Fridays, I'm going to dish out T.U's.
What are T.U.'s you ask? Simple. T.U. stands for Thumbs Up! On Fridays I will write an article on someone I actually like, kind of admire, and am a fan of. Some people you may not have heard of, others you possibly don't like. That's ok. Cause I may dish out F.U.s to people you are fans of. Isn't that the beauty of America? We can agree or disagree in civilized debate until some crazy gets involved, then it goes down from there. Anyway, my thinking is, maybe I can turn you onto someone you never heard of before. Or maybe you have heard of them but never really gave them any thought.
Today I dish out my first Big T.U award. The winner is someone whose film making I truly enjoy. I'm a huge fan of all his movies (maybe there is one I'm not too fond of, but I don't hate it). His New Jersey roots really shaped my appreciation for this man.And his down to earth persona exemplifies what Hollywood should be, though we know most Hollywood professionals are self righteous and full of themselves and would never even acknowledge their fans.
The man I am talking about is none other than New Jersey's own Kevin Smith. Yea, the Clerks guy.
Kevin Smith broke out onto the scene with his 1994 film Clerks. Clerks was shot in New Jersey, the backdrop being the Quick Stop Mart where he worked. The movie was featured at Sundance Film Festival where it went on to win the Filmmaker's Trophy. In May 1994, Clerks won the Prix de la Jeunesse and the International Critics; Week Prize at the Cannes International Film Festival. Miramax, after Sundance, picked up the movie. Clerks was released in October 1994. During its limited theatrical release, the movie made $3.1 million on a budget of about $28,000.
From there, Kevin went on to write, direct, and appear in several more movies. Most of his movies take place in his home state of New Jersey, and home towns of Red Bank and Atlantic Highlands. He started his own production company, View Askew Productions. His most recent movie, Red State, was inspired by Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church (watch for an article about this group in the future, and no, not on a Friday). A few weeks ago, Kevin announced his next movie will be Clerks III.
Here is a list of movies Kevin directed/wrote/appeared in:
1994: Clerks (director, producer, editor, writer, actor)
1995: Mallrats (director, producer, writer, actor)
1997: Chasing Amy (director, editor, writer, actor)
1999: Dogma (director, editor, writer, actor)
2001: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (director, editor, writer, actor)
2004: Jersey Girl (director, executive producer, editor, writer)
2006: Clerks II (director, editor, writer, actor)
2008: Zack and Miri Make a Porno (director, editor, writer)
2010: Cop Out (director, editor)
2011: Red State (director, editor, writer, actor)
Recently, Kevin has branched out from movie making. He currently hosts several podcasts such as "Fat Man on Batman", and "Hollywood Babble On", and "SModcast", which are all part of his SModcast Podcast Network. Kevin has also started his own internet radio station known as SModcast Internet Radio (S.I.R.) as well as an internet television station called SModcast Internet Television (S.I.T.). His show Spoilers can be seen on
Not only has Kevin written and directed and appeared in his own movies, but he directed and appeared in other works as well. He directed the 2010 movie Cop Out, starring Bruce Willis and Tracey Morgan and written by Mark and Robb Cullen. Kevin appeared in the movies Daredevil, Live Free or Die Hard, and Catch and Release (starring Jennifer Garner) and Jeff Anderson's film Now You Know. Jeff Anderson, for those who may not know, plays Randal in Kevin Smith's View Askewniverse movies.
I got to meet Kevin a few years back at his store in Red Bank, New Jersey, Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash. He was signing copies of his book Shooting the SH*T with Kevin Smith. That was the first time I got to meet the man face to face. I walked away impressed. The man truly loves and adores his fans. His wife, Jen Schwalbach was present at the signing as well. She spent time standing with the fans who were waiting in line. Jen is also a very down to earth person. I have to say, I think they are exceptional people.
Comic Book Men is a reality show based in Kevin's Red Bank comic book store and stars Walt Flanagan, Bryan Johnson, Ming Chen, and Mike Zapcic. The show can be seen on AMC, at a new day and time, beginning Thursday, February 14 at 9:00 PM.
So today, Kevin Smith, you are the proud winner of my first ever Big T.U. award. Congratulations!
(image is of Kevin's Buddy Christ statue from his religiously charged movie, Dogma)
Here is a link to Kevin's website where you can then find information regarding all his projects: View Askew and follow the links to his projects. He can also be found on IMDb: Kevin Smith
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
I thought I'd do something a little different for Fridays. I thought to myself "Self, you dish dish out the Big F.U. every day, weekends excluded. Even you need a weekend break. Well, why don't you do something different on Fridays?" But what? What could I do that wouldn't tarnish this image I have? So, I thought. And thought. And thought. And then, it struck me while in the bathroom (why do all my great ideas come to be when I'm on the toilet?). Instead of dishing out F.U.s on Fridays, I'm going to dish out T.U's.
What are T.U.'s you ask? Simple. T.U. stands for Thumbs Up! On Fridays I will write an article on someone I actually like, kind of admire, and am a fan of. Some people you may not have heard of, others you possibly don't like. That's ok. Cause I may dish out F.U.s to people you are fans of. Isn't that the beauty of America? We can agree or disagree in civilized debate until some crazy gets involved, then it goes down from there. Anyway, my thinking is, maybe I can turn you onto someone you never heard of before. Or maybe you have heard of them but never really gave them any thought.
Today I dish out my first Big T.U award. The winner is someone whose film making I truly enjoy. I'm a huge fan of all his movies (maybe there is one I'm not too fond of, but I don't hate it). His New Jersey roots really shaped my appreciation for this man.And his down to earth persona exemplifies what Hollywood should be, though we know most Hollywood professionals are self righteous and full of themselves and would never even acknowledge their fans.
The man I am talking about is none other than New Jersey's own Kevin Smith. Yea, the Clerks guy.
Kevin Smith broke out onto the scene with his 1994 film Clerks. Clerks was shot in New Jersey, the backdrop being the Quick Stop Mart where he worked. The movie was featured at Sundance Film Festival where it went on to win the Filmmaker's Trophy. In May 1994, Clerks won the Prix de la Jeunesse and the International Critics; Week Prize at the Cannes International Film Festival. Miramax, after Sundance, picked up the movie. Clerks was released in October 1994. During its limited theatrical release, the movie made $3.1 million on a budget of about $28,000.
From there, Kevin went on to write, direct, and appear in several more movies. Most of his movies take place in his home state of New Jersey, and home towns of Red Bank and Atlantic Highlands. He started his own production company, View Askew Productions. His most recent movie, Red State, was inspired by Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church (watch for an article about this group in the future, and no, not on a Friday). A few weeks ago, Kevin announced his next movie will be Clerks III.
Here is a list of movies Kevin directed/wrote/appeared in:
1994: Clerks (director, producer, editor, writer, actor)
1995: Mallrats (director, producer, writer, actor)
1997: Chasing Amy (director, editor, writer, actor)
1999: Dogma (director, editor, writer, actor)
2001: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (director, editor, writer, actor)
2004: Jersey Girl (director, executive producer, editor, writer)
2006: Clerks II (director, editor, writer, actor)
2008: Zack and Miri Make a Porno (director, editor, writer)
2010: Cop Out (director, editor)
2011: Red State (director, editor, writer, actor)
Recently, Kevin has branched out from movie making. He currently hosts several podcasts such as "Fat Man on Batman", and "Hollywood Babble On", and "SModcast", which are all part of his SModcast Podcast Network. Kevin has also started his own internet radio station known as SModcast Internet Radio (S.I.R.) as well as an internet television station called SModcast Internet Television (S.I.T.). His show Spoilers can be seen on
Not only has Kevin written and directed and appeared in his own movies, but he directed and appeared in other works as well. He directed the 2010 movie Cop Out, starring Bruce Willis and Tracey Morgan and written by Mark and Robb Cullen. Kevin appeared in the movies Daredevil, Live Free or Die Hard, and Catch and Release (starring Jennifer Garner) and Jeff Anderson's film Now You Know. Jeff Anderson, for those who may not know, plays Randal in Kevin Smith's View Askewniverse movies.
I got to meet Kevin a few years back at his store in Red Bank, New Jersey, Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash. He was signing copies of his book Shooting the SH*T with Kevin Smith. That was the first time I got to meet the man face to face. I walked away impressed. The man truly loves and adores his fans. His wife, Jen Schwalbach was present at the signing as well. She spent time standing with the fans who were waiting in line. Jen is also a very down to earth person. I have to say, I think they are exceptional people.
Comic Book Men is a reality show based in Kevin's Red Bank comic book store and stars Walt Flanagan, Bryan Johnson, Ming Chen, and Mike Zapcic. The show can be seen on AMC, at a new day and time, beginning Thursday, February 14 at 9:00 PM.
So today, Kevin Smith, you are the proud winner of my first ever Big T.U. award. Congratulations!
(image is of Kevin's Buddy Christ statue from his religiously charged movie, Dogma)
Here is a link to Kevin's website where you can then find information regarding all his projects: View Askew and follow the links to his projects. He can also be found on IMDb: Kevin Smith
***You can follow me on Twitter at @FuzzyUrlachter or find us on Facebook at: Just click the links on the side of this blog.
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